Monday, July 16, 2007

Four Ways To Use Niche Marketing

Niche marketing is being used a lot by businesses to help them
succeed in the over crowded Internet marketplace. The Internet has
allowed for business start up being easy and makes running an online
business almost automatic. This means there is even more competition
than ever for customers.

Niche marketing solves that problem. It is a way to focus your
attention on a single group of customers that is most likely to buy
your product or service. This group is going to be the most loyal and
they will make up your biggest profit base.

Once you have done your research and defined your target niche
market you have to learn how to use it to your advantage to make your
business successful. Here are four ways you can use niche marketing to
boost your earning potential.

1. Advertise where your niche market is most likely to look.
A niche market is going to be people with similar backgrounds, ideas
and interests. It shouldn’t be too hard to define some places
where your niche market is most likely to frequent.

2. Say the right thing. You have to talk to your
niche market the way that they talk. For example, if your niche market
is a teenager, then use some teenage lingo and speak to them in a way
that they will understand. Do not talk down to your niche market, but
rather go to them on the same level and communicate with them. If you
need help find someone in your target niche and ask him or her for his
or her opinion.

3. Make sure you are addressing a unique need. You
want to stand out from your competition and address a need that nobody
else is addressing. You may have to do a little market research to find
out what people want that they are not getting from the current
products or services that are already available to them. But it will be
well worth your time.

4. Make sure the price is right. The whole point of
finding your niche market is so that you can cater to their needs. One
of the most important things you can do is to make sure that the price
you set for your product is one that your niche can afford. If you are
selling something to a niche market that is in a medium income bracket
then you don’t want to price your product for those that are in a
higher income bracket or you will lose sales.

Making the most of your niche marketing efforts is essential. There
is no point in using niche marketing if you are not going to take all
the necessary steps to ensure you are using it right. Niche marketing
can be very successful if you do everything you can to ensure you are
taking full advantage of it. Once you find a hungry niche market you
will discover that it was well worth all of your time and efforts.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


3 Overlooked Profit Opportunities On Your Site

By Yanik Silver

If you’re already selling anything online this article is
going to show you how to add extra revenue you didn’t even know
you had “hiding” in your site without getting any more

* Overlooked Way #1 - An Upsell:

If you’ve been in marketing for any time you’ve probably
heard of “upsells” or “bumps”. Car dealers are
excellent at using this technique. Once you have agreed to buy a car
you then go into the finance office. This finance guy is really another
place where they try to extract as much money as possible from you;
dealer financing, extended warranties, rust coating, a low-jack
security system, etc. These additions will normally add as much, or
more, profit to the dealer as the original sale. These are upsells or

Another great example is if you’ve ever called a late night
infomercial you will be given an upsell. They will offer you a special
deal on the third bottle of super grime cleaner if you buy 2 bottles.
These upsells usually end up bringing more profit than the original
item people intended to purchase.

Why not do the same online?

This little “magic trick” can instantly increase your
profits 20-66% even without getting any additional business or website
visitors. It works great because your prospect is all hot and heavy and
ready to buy. They’ve got their credit card in their hand and
they’ve already made the commitment. (If you read Robert
Cialdini’s book “Influence: The Psychology of
Persuasion” you’ll see commitment and consistency is a key
psychological trigger.)

There are a couple ways I’ve successfully used upsells on my sites:

First you can use an “intermediary” page. Once prospects
click on the order buttons they’re taken to a new page (and not
the order form). This page tells people about a special offer that is
for today only and that they can get a ‘deluxe’ or
‘gold’ version of the package for X dollars more. You can
make the upsell a big dollar amount or a small insignificant little
‘bump’. I do this on
and my numbers have been quite good using this technique - as high as
68% some days. So think about my additional profit margins just by
inserting this one extra page. Awesome!

Another way of doing this is by “recommending” a
product. Anytime you buy something from Amazon - that’s exactly
what they do. Up comes a page that “Customers who bought __ also
bought__” and then they have a slew of products.

Next, you can also have the upsell right on the Order page.
I’ve even used something as simple as putting a check box on my
order form on
It could be that simple. On this we get a 25% upsell rate. Take a look
at what appears at the bottom after the customer has already filled out
their info to buy the course

You have to play fair and let people get the original price and
package you offered but there’s no reason you shouldn’t add
a complimentary upsell immediately. The upsell is one of the easiest
(and most profitable) techniques you can start implementing tomorrow.
This is like the “would you like fries” strategy. Unless
you’re offering “fries” you’re missing out on
tons and tons of profit. You simply need to come up with a couple more
compelling bonuses, packages or up-sells that people will get for the

* Overlooked Way #2 - Thank You Pages:

After upsells, I’d say ‘thank you’ pages are one
of the most overlooked profit hot-spots. Once again, there are several
ways I’ve used this technique. First of all, anytime somebody
buys a product from you online - they are taken to some kind of thank
you page. Most people will simply put “Thank you for your
order” and that’s it. They leave the customer with their
credit card in their hands to go off to some other website and give
them money. Why not give people a special deal on the thank you page or
at least give them links to your other products or other people’s
products that you make an affiliate commission on?

Now if it’s a digital product - then they need to get their
download but you can also put some recommended resources right on the
download page. At the bottom of the digital download page for we have a recommendation for the new Public Domain Gold Mine(tm) package.

Those aren’t the only thank you pages. Many people totally
forget about the ‘thank you’ pages that come up after
someone signs up for your list. Now where you want to send them will
depend on where they are in the sales process - but you can have a list
of recommended resources that comes up AFTER people subscribe to your
email list. Why not? If that’s the last action you were expecting
- you should look for ways to profit from this.

* Overlooked Way #3 - Thank You Emails/Confirmations:

Don’t forget the initial email confirmation you send back to
your customers. Last technique we talked about making offers on the
thank you page but your ‘thank you’ email is one of the
most read emails. In addition to the ‘typical’ stuff you
should include like customer service information, who will bill their
credit card, etc why not add a simple P.S. to the bottom of the email
like I do offering additional resources (or even a special deal just
for customers).

I guarantee just putting these 3 easy overlooked ways to work on
your site will help squeeze out even more profits for you & without
adding a single visitor. Give it a try.


Yanik Silver is recognized as the leading expert on creating automatic,
moneymaking websites… and he still doesn’t know how to put
up a website. He is the author, co-author or creator of several
best-selling online marketing books and tools, including his newest
resource -

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer



Feedbase is a database of feeds that are
automatically validated through Feed Validator. At first glance, you
might think Feedbase is a paid listing database, but the top list is
the list of sponsors. The site doesn't charge for a regular listing.

The basic search tool is simple. Just enter the keywords and the
results instantly appear below the search box. Those wanting advanced
search features also search by language, feed type, enclosure feeds and select the order the results should appear.

To submit your feed to Feedbase,
simply enter your feed's URL and that's it. If the feed already exists,
Feedbase lets you view the details. If the feed is invalid, Feedbase
provides a link to Feed Validator where you can view the validation

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer



myFeedz calls itself a social newspaper
because myFeedz helps people find what's important from the sea of
information out there and shows you what you need to read. myFeedz
learns what you like and serves feeds related to your interests. The
site isn't an online RSS reader even though news are tracked through
RSS feeds.

By learning what people like and what news are most linked or
referenced, myFeedz improves its ability to personalize the service for
all users. The site determines an article's importance by looking at
the article's source, tags, popularity, rating, language and more. Your
profile, which includes tags, feeds and reading history is also taken
into account to determine how important that article is for you.

The FAQ explains feeds, tags, tag clouds and other common questions regarding feeds. The feeds page lists the top 100 feeds in myFeedz based on the number of subscribers. The tags page also gives the user a visual overview of the more popular tags.

To submit your feed to myFeedz, register for free, enter tags or select categories. Once done, then go to Personalize Feeds and enter the address of multiple feeds. You can also upload your OPML
file with all your favorite feeds. After you add the feeds to your
profile, myFeedz extracts tags and use them to improve your profile's

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer



Feedage is a categorized and searchable RSS directory.
Feedage's Myfeedage allows users to create personalized groups of
feeds. These groups can be shared with other users and can also be
exported as an OPML file for importing into your RSS reader.

When you submit your own feeds and favorite feeds, you can view the
list in My Feeds and sort them in various ways. My Groups and My
Feedage work similarly. You can also find new feeds by browsing the
categories, using the search tool or relying on the Groups and FeedZones.

The Home page lists the featured feeds, most popular feeds and most
recently submitted feeds. The simple and clean interface makes it easy
for the user to find his or her way around the Web site.

To submit your feed to Feedage, sign up free. Then go to Submit your feed
and enter the URL of the feed. Preview the feed before submitting it
into the directory. Once added to Feedage, the categorizer will assign
the feed to the appropriate categories.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


DayTimeNews is an RSS feed directory and search
engine that searches all feeds, not just blog feeds. The site has a
search tool, topics in the tag cloud box and items in the RSS News
Directory list for discovering what you seek. DayTimeNews also shows
featured feeds, popular feeds and the most recently updated feeds.

Submitted feeds receive a static HTML page containing the feed
title, description, a link to the homepage, and the 10 latest RSS
items. DayTimeNews keeps the HTML page fresh by polling feeds
periodically for new content.

The site has some default template text showing, such as "Put your text here," but it's a good spot for adding your feeds.

To submit your feed to DayTimeNews, complete the required fields in the form.

by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is
writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer



Spotplex provides real-time ranking of blog
articles based on actual impression count. The site doesn't list
articles people recommended or voted for, but rather lists articles
read the most in a given timeframe. Though focused on articles, the
site has blog standings showing the top blogs in a 24-hour period. Blog articles are grouped by categories and tags.

Bloggers copy and paste code from Spotplex into their blogs and can
track and analyze their blog traffic with the code's help. They learn
how many people visit the blog, which articles people read most and how
many people read them. Whenever an article of the blog is read, it will
show up at Spotplex in real-time and get noticed by Spotplex users.

Spotplex also has a customizable widget where you select the
features you want and then paste the code on a web site where the
widget displays popular articles, latest articles and new articles from
your own blog or from the Spotplex community.

To submit your feed to Spotplex,
requires joining Spotplex and posting code in your blog. When a reader
reads an article in your blog, the code notifies Spotplex and the
article appears on Spotplex with a view counter reflecting the change.
Currently, registration is by invitation only. However, if you enter
your email address on the "Get your Spotplex code" page (no direct
link) and the site will notify you when it's out of beta and accepting
new entries.

by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is
writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer



Mobispine is a free mobile feed browser that lets
you stay up to date with news, entertainment and your friends' blogs
through the Web site or a mobile device. To use Mobispine with a mobile
device, you need a mobile phone that accepts Java MIDP2.0, and a GPRS, 3G or WiFi connected phone. Mobispine provides a list of compatible devices.

You can use the search function to find public blogs or access blogs
through Mobispine contacts. Mobispine also lets you publish a blog
either through your phone or PC. Go to and log in, then choose "go to my blog" and update your blog from there.

Charges for using Mobispine on your mobile device depend on your
mobile provider's plan. The site also displays the latest, most popular
and highest rated feeds. You can rate feeds, view the site in English
or Svenska, and read feeds on a PC or compatible mobile device.

To submit your feed to Mobispine,
enter your blog's feed into the box on the home page. After entering
your feed, you'll see how it will typically appear in mobile interface.

by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is
writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer



Genwi is a resource that pulls together
user-contributed RSS feeds in all media formats to help its users find
and subscribe to Web content and create personalized content pages.
Users can browse for content from blogs, podcasts, videos and other
resources. The personal page displays their preferred media feeds and
their friends shared content.

Just click the Share It button next to each entry to quickly and
easily share the selected information with friends without sending
e-mail. The more times users share an item, the higher it rises in the
Genwi rankings for possible placement in the sites home page highlights
or tabbed media listings. Viewing and sharing frequency also affect the
sites search engine rankings, providing an additional user-based filter
to increase browsing efficiency.

You don't have to register to discover new blogs, but registration
is needed if you want to submit feeds, personalize your page and
subscribe to blogs and other media through Genwi. Here is more information about the site and registration.

To submit your feed to Genwi, requires joining Genwi. Click "My Feeds" to add your blog to the directory.

by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is
writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer



Strategicboard acts like a search engine for blogs
and online news with a network of over 300,000 blogs and news feeds
from around the world. The site has editorial techniques and automated
processes in place to exclude spammers from its search engines.

Strategicboard also invites users to report suspicious blogs using
the "Report splog!" link that appears next to your search results. The
home page lists the top blog posts along with blogs linking to the
post. Dudu Mimram's blog provides insights and news regarding Strategicboard.

Each post comes with "related" links to blogs and posts related to
the post. On the right side appears the most liked posts. You can also
find blogs and posts of interest with the search tool.

To submit your feed to Strategicboard,
simply enter your name, email address, and your feed's URL. The site
will review your blog and notify you by email if it has been accepted
for indexing.

by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is
writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer



NewsNow monitors news in 22 languages from various
online publications, including international, national and regional
titles, newswires, magazines, press releases and online news sources
spanning 139 countries. Notice the REG and SUB icons, which indicate if
something requires registration and whether the site registration is
free (REG) or a pay-to-register site (SUB).

The well-organized home page lets you do single word headline
searches, choose a news feed from a topic and browse the latest feeds
from a handful of topics. The numbers that appear next to the topics in
"Choose a Newsfeed" list the number of subtopics in the topic. If you
don't want to select a subtopic, just click the arrow to view the
latest news for that topic.

NewsNow Live Feed
displays the latest live feeds using a color key for quickly
identifying the topic. When clicking a headline of interest, NewsFeed
sends you to the site to read the full article. Release Wire contains the latest press releases.

To submit your feed to NewsNow, complete the form. However, if you're a News Publisher, go to the Publisher Network page instead.

by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is
writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Submit your blog feed

9rules is a community of blogs. The site contains over 30 communities grouped by topics. 9 rules comes from the rules behind the site as listed in the about page.

The site has two main areas: Our Choices and Your Choices. Our
Choices brings readers content from the select member pages. This
section also contains 9rules Live ( a reader community), 9rules Member
Site Profiles (profiles of selected members) and 9rules Topics for
finding popular topics.

9rules has two memberships: Members and Users. Only a select few get
to become Members, where their sites are in the "Our Choices" section.
9rules opens the application process on occasion.

"Your Choices" is what makes up your my.9rules page that consists of
your favorite 9 rules members or users, content from, and Flickr, your site entries, Friends, Favorites and
Notes. You can add your blog in "Your Choices" and share it with your
network while waiting for open season for applying to join the 9rules
community as a member.

To submit your feed to 9rules, complete the form register and then add your blog to your profile.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business ,internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer
