Saturday, July 28, 2007

Choosing Colour For Your Website

Colour schemes are the hardest to pick when building your website.


If your favourite colour is mauve, this may not translate into a website that is eye-appealing to potential customers. Also, you text and content may be hidden behind that colour.

Your customer might leave right away after seeing a grotesque colour scheme, so having the right colours can change the appearance and initial reaction to your website.

However, since there are infinite colour schemes, which ones will best suit you?

When designing a website, not only are you designing functionality and accessibility, you are also designing readability or eye appeal. This is different from websites that use flash to entice the visitor. Flash sites also have the disadvantage of not having the search engines being able to view a website that is entirely made of flash.

The colours should be ones that suit you, however suit the customer more. Reds, blues and orange/salmon and black on white have dramatic impact on how you perceive. For example, red has been used to demonstrate a call to action (for example, ‘buy’ can be placed within a red context because you wish the customer to ‘buy’ your product. You can place headlines in red; however, if you place the wrong headline in red, you won’t have buying customers. Red is a very powerful message marker. Use with caution.

Blue is used to have a calm experience. For example, some yoga and meditation websites will use blue to calm and red to entice their visitors to ‘buy’ their meditation services.

Some other sites have used orange/salmon to great effect. These colours can also entice visitors to find out more about your products and services as well as a combination of black and white text and background.

Traditional black on white background is still very useful. This is the basic colour scheme that we are all used to seeing and will also convey your message. What you can do is incorporate some of the other colours and see how they best suit your website and you business goals.

Colour enhances the images we see. When this is applied to website design it’s important to have your customer in mind. Determine which colour scheme works best for your website and continue to test. Once you’ve found a colour scheme that works, leave it. This will ensure your website business success.

About The Author

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Helping Your Visitors To A Great Website Experience

Your website visitor is typically looking for fresh content and solutions to their problems. If they don’t find the information they’re looking for, they will just look for that information somewhere else.

As a website business owner, your responsibility is to attract the website visitor, provide them with what they’re looking for and in the process if a product or service you offer can help them perform this task easily, then you will also achieve your business goals.

With a huge listing of websites on the Internet, you have to be able to separate yourself from your competition.

How do you accomplish this?

Content is a strong factor. Content refers to the actual words, pictures and other text that you have displayed on your website. For example, if you are a website that sells antiques, you may wish to create daily articles that reference the world of antiques. You can describe to your potential customer what to look for and the relevance of such items as an authenticity documents and getting the potential antique appraised.

Visitors will find this information very useful and so will the search engines. Since you are placing new and fresh content on your website on a daily basis, the search engines and their ‘spiders’ will crawl and re-index your site. This will lead to higher website rankings because you are providing the search engines various means of achieving their revenue stream by attracting paying advertisers who want fresh and new content.

Creating new content doesn’t have to be a chore. You can pace yourself and write one article a day or one article every 2 days. The point is without new content, your website will die a content and visitor starved death.

The actual layout of your website will also attract or detract from visitors using your site and making actual purchases of your products or services. Users want to get in and get out as quickly as possible. However, if you make their buying experience easy and the content rich with useful information the longer they will stick around and have the potential to purchase something from your website business.

Helping your website visitor to have a great website experience doesn’t take much. However, this process does involve work and a willingness to help others. It is through helping your website visitor that your website will create useful experiences and buying customers.

About The Author

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Simple Web Design Steps to Improve Your Website's Readability

Websites that make their customers work to read them are not the best way to get business. Miniscule fonts, text in colours that make it hard to see against the background colour, and lines that are piled on top of each other are problems, but they're easy to correct. Let's jump right in and look at five easy fixes:

Format your text using CSS.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the way to go - use one style sheet and control how text looks on your entire site. Make a change to the style sheet and your whole site is updated. It makes life a lot simpler

Make the font size big enough to read

Consider your target audience. Even if they are a group of teenage girls looking for new shoes, it's never a good idea to use tiny type. It doesn't have to be enormous, but up to a point, larger type is better. 12-pt Verdana is better than 8-pt Verdana.

Make the text contrast with its background.

The more contrast, the better. Black-on-white or white-on-black are examples of the highest contrast you can get. Use colours if you like, but if you squint at the page and your text basically vanishes, there's not enough contrast.

Give the lines room to breathe.

Don't stack lines on top of each other. Use the line-spacing directive in CSS and give it some space; I'll often set line-spacing to 140% of the height of a typical line.

Break text up into chunks.

No matter how good a writer you are, people don't want to read endless pages of text. Break it up by using headlines that reflect the subject of the paragraph(s) to follow so people can scan down to the parts that really interest them, or use bulleted lists to change the pace of the writing and slow down the scanning.

And finally (not one of the 5 Easy Ways to Improve Legibility but still quite important) check your spelling. Nothing irritates me more on a web page than spelling errors - it simply makes you look like you don't care enough to get it right. Use that ubiquitous spell-check tool.

Making your website's content more legible is easy. It doesn't take a lot of time, mainly common sense. The payoff will be text that's more readable, customers that stick around long enough to get your message, and improved credibility with your visitors.

About The Author

Copyright 2007, Mark Webster

Mark Webster is an experienced web designer, working for a leading advertising agency / web design agency in Manchester, ADZ Media In addition to this, he also owns a web design company offering affordable web design at and aims to get people to conform to compliant web design standards.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Website Design Concerns – The Basics

Just when you thought that you had all the aspects of your website covered, a few more concerns crop up. One of the biggest reasons why customers will leave your website is the time it takes to load or the speed of the website.

Intense graphics, too much flashy special effects and your logo design all eat into your website’s load time. As business owner first and a webmaster second, you need to ask yourself these questions:

* What do I want my website to accomplish?
* My website in its current state, does it accomplish what I want?
* Can I limit the amount of graphics used and still broadcast my message?
* How I maintain the viewer friendly design of my website?

1) What Do I Want My Website To Accomplish?

When answering this question go beyond the obvious answer of ‘I want to make money.’ More importantly, ‘How can I give the customers what they want while still achieving my business goals?’

Remember these 4 key points: what are my customers’ problems; what solutions have they sought (or ones that didn’t work); what I will offer to provide this solution and finally; why they should buy from me. When you have successfully answered these questions, get an objective opinion. Why? What you may think are reasons may not be what others see (i.e. your customers).

2) My Website In Its Current State, Does It Accomplish What I Want?

If you are creating a new website, you have the advantage of starting with a clean slate and progressing towards your goal. If you are an existing website owner, you may need to re-evaluate if your website is accomplishing what you originally set as its goals.

The ultimate review is this: Am I attracting enough customers to my website and are they buying my service or product? If you are attracting customers, yet they aren’t buying, you need to review your prices and checkout process. If they proceed to checkout and then balk (click away) again you need to determine why. If the reverse is occurring and you have frequent customers and they are buying, it may be time to see if you can add more products they may be interested in – (either through a newsletter or alerting them on the website). This will allow you to ‘up-sell’ to your customer and provide them will more solutions to their problems.

3) Can I Limit The Amount Of Graphics Used And Still Broadcast My Message?

Limiting the amount of graphics used will help your website load faster and will help deliver your message to the customer quicker. However, just because your website may have a lot of graphics doesn’t mean that it has to load fewer graphics; it may mean that the size of the file may have to be reduced in order to have the products listed show properly. For example, if you are showing ladders on your website, you may group them according to height and to no more than 3 per page.

4) How Can I Maintain The Viewer Friendly Design Of My Website?

When mapping your website allow for the fact that you will expand your website to include more information, products or services. Do not build your website with a limited capacity. You will automatically restrict yourself from expanding and possibly create more headaches down the road when you expand.

Some points to remember:

* Have clear titles
* Include a site map
* Include an ‘About Us’, ‘Contact’ and ‘Privacy’ page where people can see a real address and phone number

When you create your website, keep these questions in mind. Get some objective feedback from someone who gives you their true opinion and doesn’t say things to make you feel good. The reason: your customers don’t know you and will at any opportunity click away from your website if given the chance. You minimise the direct chance of clicking away and maximise the opportunity to provide the customer with what they want and you fulfill your business goals

About The Author

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Discovering Your Website Appeal

When you’re designing your website, you have a look you wish to achieve. This look is usually geared towards the product or service you are providing. For example, a website that wants to sell several products will have images and relevant text (content) to describe the products and their benefits.

A service oriented website typically states the service offered and why this service should be used by the customer and the benefits of the service. The appearance is typically flat (meaning straight forward).

The product and service centric website will both have design elements in common:

* Simple to navigate
* Clear layout
* Site map
* Consistency

When choosing the colours of your website, experimentation will help, however avoid garish text and difficult fonts. Traditionally, Times New Roman, Arial, Garamond, Tahoma and Palatino Linotype have been used for many websites. Times New Roman and Arial function well when your customers have to read long passages of text (such as your sales letter). Garamond and Tahoma are very good for shorter descriptions. However avoid mixing and matching too many fonts with each other. This will create visual disparity between what you wish to say (in your writing) and what your target audience (customer) wants. This will translate in minimal or dismal sales; definitely not what you want for your business!

Also, bear in mind that your customer came to your website in search of information. Help them by making it easy to obtain information about your company, the products or services you provide.

Avoid price lists in service related websites. Why? Because you narrow the opportunity to negotiate. For example, if you have a psychotherapist website and you automatically place £500 for 1 hour session, you’ll have very little customers. However, if you state that you would have to qualify your potential clients (to see if they fit you as well as if they want your services) with a FREE 1 hour consultation then you will most likely convert this individual into a paying customer.

Remember, the visitor to your website wants something. As a business owner, why not make it easier for them to obtain what they want, from you?

About The Author

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Why You Must Absolutely Have A Website?

In today’s culture, a website represents your business card – even if you don’t have a business! Your child may have a website, your neighbour may have a website and even your local place of worship has a website.

A website allows you to communicate – keep in touch with as many people as possible while at the same time minimising the cost of doing so. Can you imagine the cost of consistently printing and mailing to 2000 loyal customers every month?

A website cuts down on your total cost of postage and your everyday word processing software cuts down on physically writing out every greeting or piece of correspondence.

However, a website does the one thing that you’re always looking for: a website helps to free your time.

Your time is the most precious commodity that you’ll never be able to get back. You’ll never be able to play that magnificent round of golf, go vacationing with the family or watching your child perform in their school play if you’re constantly trying to free yourself of responsibilities.

A website is a lot of work to start. That’s the truth. The best way to look at your website is to view it as your own body. When you put the right fuel (food) in your system your body runs efficiently. You aren’t constipated, you have lots of energy and you feel great. Combine this with a little exercise and you’ll live a fairly long life. When you start feeding yourself bad food, you start to feel tired and irritable. You may gain weight and start outgrowing your favourite clothing.

That’s the same thing that could happen to your website if it gets neglected. Just like your body, a website starts to deteriorate. The pride that you showed at having a website disappears and your website suffers.

If you still have doubts about having a website, think of it as your on-line sales centre. Imagine having a system that can take your orders when you are asleep. Or a system that will allow you to take a holiday and monitor your sales if you like without asking a sales manager? Maybe you don’t want to hire and train a new employee to take your orders and to know your sales process. A website helps you be better at what you do, not what you shouldn’t.

About The Author

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Spring Cleaning And Website Maintenance For Your Website

Regular website maintenance is an important aspect of owning an online business. Just like a house, your website needs an annual spring cleaning. Certain website maintenance tasks should be performed throughout the year to keep content relevant. Other tasks can be done once a year.

You may be worried that website maintenance is costly, but there are many budget web design methods that can be employed to get the job done. Here is a list of budget web design tips that will help you perform the regular website maintenance that every site needs.

Budget Web Design Tip 1

Visit Competitor Sites

The contents of your site should project the image that you want to promote. For example, if you have a fun website, you should have lively colors and graphics. If you have a website that is serious in tone, the look should reflect that. When performing any type of website maintenance, you should regularly check competitor sites to see what else is out there. While you're surfing the web, be sure to take notes on what you liked, what you didn't, and why. Use these notes to develop an original site that stands out among the competition.

Budget Web Design Tip 2

Analyze Your Website

To properly perform website maintenance, you need to know what your website needs. To determine this, put yourself in your visitors' shoes. Look around. Do you see anything that's missing or can be approved upon? If so, determine how it can be changed. You may also want to consider having a trusted friend or family member look over your site. Ask them to provide an honest assessment, and then use their opinions to better the site. Specific things you may want to ask them about include the site's look and feel, the ease of navigation, and the site content itself.

Budget Web Design Tip 3

Update Your Content

Refreshing content is the top reason to perform website maintenance. Keeping your news pieces and informational content fresh is important. If your web content is stale, visitors will search elsewhere for the things they need. Studies show that sites that are updated regularly have more returning visitors and higher page views. Search engines will also give you more attention if you regularly update your pages with fresh content.

Budget Web Design Tip 4

Learn New Design Skills

Credible websites look professional. If you don't have the design know-how to perform website maintenance yourself, brush up on your skills. There are many free classes and low priced ebooks online that can teach you everything you need to know to redesign your website. There are also many different tutorials that can take you through the process step by step. If you don't have time to learn as you go, you may also want to consider hiring a reasonable priced professional who can perform website maintenance and get the job done for you.

Budget Web Design Tip 5

Track Your Results

After you have completed the website maintenance and implemented a few changes, you will want to track the results of your efforts. Check the logs on your website to determine whether or not you had an increase in visitors or sales. If there are no changes after several months, you may want to consider stepping up your efforts. Run back through the list of budget web design tips. Was there anything you missed? Was there anything that you could do better? If so, take the time to do it. Remember, profitable websites aren't started overnight. They take hard work, dedication, and continuing efforts to succeed.

About The Author

Cliff Posey, owner of CRP Marketing, owns and operates Cliff Posey has also operated several other successful web businesses including Love Song Cards and Radio Career Consultants. The content in this article was developed from his experience in these businesses
Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Joomla Revolution! How This Free Software Is Changing The Web?

Joomla is changing the web, there is no one better sentence to describe what this young FREE SOFTWARE project is doing from two years ago. We all know that the web permeates today all sides of our life and therefore is perfectly comprehensible that Joomla, been born as a CMS for simplified construction of sites of all types, is interesting a lot of people around the world for the incredible amount of its FREE extensions, that are available through the central site, and for its large development community that give support and constantly enhancements of features.

But now Joomla wouldn't not be more considered only a CMS, whatever are the applicative targets in which we are interested to use it for. The time of standalone applications is ending and therefore we should understand that a revolutionary web application platform as Joomla is the right solution that all people are waiting for. The new version of Joomla, currently in Beta2 state, is an innovative and intuitive implementation of the MVC pattern, a famous generalized programming architecture that force the developers to write a more scalable and manageable code and that give to others a lot of competitive advantages as User Interface separation, lower development cost, greater reusability and maximized stability and adaptability.

Joomla 1.5, that's the version number of the new platform, has been rewrote from the scratch by the Core Development Team to obtain a very powerful framework that will boost web developer productivity and that will maximize the users experience. Obviously the Core Team don't know what will be the really boom that this new project would generate on the web but we can admit for sure that the stable release is attended from thousands of people.

Joomla 1.5 have the great merit of not attempt to be a "all purpose application in itself", trying instead to give users a solid platform around which can revolve various types of third party developed web applications. Joomla 1.5 is using moreover only well supported and diffused technologies as PHP and MySQL and it join these ones with an Enterprise oriented vision.

Joomla 1.5 is not compatible with the old Joomla 1.0.X and therefore a lot of people are thinking that only a few part of already existing extensions will be adapted to this system. The problem is that not all extensions, more precisely a lot few, are compatible with the new version of this framework. Some people believe that a software, that already do well what it would have to be done, is already a perfect software and that there are no reasons to change the way it work. They can ask for: "Why I should change my perfectly running system?". The answer is simple: "Because the time is changing and is not possible to use again a bicycle to drive into an highway".

Joomla 1.5 will help developers to implement stronger and powerful applications that will be available only to who will approach a new web project using this new platform. At the same time others old Joomla extensions , that are not compatible, will remain out of a market that will have the maximum momentum in the nearest future.

Many people have talked in those last years about the end of Internet economy and about a possible crash of all the infrastructure. Nothing wouldn't be more wrong. Internet is the future and only now we are seeing it arriving in our real daily life.

Internet is far from the period in which it was constituted of simple sites. Now internet is becoming a complex network of interactive systems and a lot of our social and economic habits are already based on it or they will be very soon. Every days thousands of people, companies and institutions join the big network with the objective of not only read/made some simple web pages.

Today we all ask for more interactivity and integrability of systems that get us capable of live and work in the new global world. Unfortunately users understanding is not evolving as fast as the global system in itself. We all also ask for solutions that simplify this tremendous competition and that will define a standard to help people in managing their web experience.

Evolution is not really if it is not for all and therefore a good solution MUST BE a FREE SOFTWARE one that people can use, modify, adapt and redistribute without limits. People need also simplicity because they wouldn't lose their time in trying to understand all the technological background.

Joomla 1.5 is offering NOW a FREE and REVOLUTIONARY web applications framework that with the use of thousands of external third party applications get users capable of implement their web place. It is very simple to install, config and use. Extensions are constantly growing and will cover all aspects of online activities very soon.

Joomla 1.5 will be the best choice for every day web development when interaction and availability of software would not continue to be limited on a single workstation. Joomla 1.5 will be the obviously choice for who will want to start projects with usability and simplification in mind. Joomla 1.5 will be the next web revolution for people that are not expert or guru. Joomla 1.5 will be the New Internet Indoor for who have never thought that he can do anything of this type. Joomla 1.5 will discover the Internet Potential of all people.

Antonio De Luca -

About The Author

Antonio De Luca is an italian freelance web consultant and developer.

He works aroung the Free Software world and are a Joomla CMS Expert and specialized in the Joone Neural Network Platform.

He manages also a good directory, on his site, called Lighthouse, where you can find a lot of useful informations and tools specifically aimed to the web.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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Learning About Search Engine Optimization: What Is It?

Before you even think about setting up a website, you have to understand the term search engine optimization and its importance. When you set up a website with the intention of selling a product or service, you have to be able to draw traffic to your website or it's not going to perform the job that you intended for it to perform. The process is not as simple as building a website and expecting everyone to find it. In order for potential customers to find your website, they must be able to locate it during a search, and that's where search engine optimization comes into the picture.

You already know, or should, that once you build a website and upload it to the web, you then have to submit that website to the various search engines in order for anyone to find it when they are conducting a search. You probably also know the importance of Meta Tags in order for those search engines to be able to list your site so that it does come up in a search. What some new web builders do not realize is how search engine optimization works and its importance. Search engine optimization or SEO involves the placement of a sequence of keywords that are part of the text on your website. They are placed within the website to meet a certain density requirement, usually 1.5%-3% depending on the needs of the website owner. The same key phrases may be rearranged in different ways or spelled differently within the text on your page in order to allow for more keyword optimization within your site. In some cases, commonly spelled words may be deliberately misspelled in order to allow for the proper optimization this is to reflect the different ways that a web surfer may spell those keywords when conducting a search.

The purpose of the keyword placement and density is to give your website the highest placement possible with the search engines, especially the most commonly used, Google. Placing your website high within the search engines means that when someone does a keyword search based on terms that are on your website, you increase the chances that your page will come back as one of the first results. Keep in mind that when people are searching, they only read a certain number of pages within the results, so the sooner your page shows in those results, the better than chances are that someone will actually click on the link that will lead to your page. Unless you are completely familiar with the process of search engine optimization, you may want to hire an SEO expert to take care of this for you to ensure that your site obtains the highest ranking possible.

About The Author

Ashton Dixon: Internet Made Millionare
Visit for Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer
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Do You Really Need A Website?

Savvy business owners have jumped on the Internet bandwagon. Take a look at the amount of websites on the World Wide Web and you’ll see that the number is in the 100’s of millions. However, what does this mean for you? After all, you’ve been established and you sell solidly from your store-front; or on the other hand, you’re content to sell at the marketplace or other seller’s venues.

That’s perfectly fine. In fact, there’s absolutely nothing wrong if you’re content with your current sales volume. However, an increasing number of customers want to have the convenience of shopping from the Internet. Through a few clicks of the mouse and a few keyboard strokes, they can have the product shipped to their house and they didn’t have to speak to a salesperson!
Can you afford to miss out on this potential revenue stream?

Here are 3 reasons why you, as a business owner need a website:

1) Your Customer’s Expect You to Have a Website

Maybe you’ve had a few customers ask if you have a website. When you reply, “No” or “Not yet”, do you get a sinking feeling that you just lost buyer’s who would gladly buy from you multiple times without the trip to your store?

2) No Pressure Selling

Customer’s really, really hate pressure selling techniques. In fact, when sales people approach most customers, the typical, “I’m just looking or I’m just browsing” is the typical answer. So why not let your customer browse? Get a website and they can browse all they want without having a sales person breathing down their neck. The perception is that your customer feels relatively at ease because there’s no one trying to alter their decision. The reality is that every step of the way, you’re reminding the customer to buy from you and making it easy every step of the way to get what they want, all through your website.

3) Accounts for 3 Times the Amount of Sales vs. Phone Sales

There are numerous marketing studies done that all point towards the same conclusion: a website has 3 times the amount of sales than phone sales/walk-ins. So, 25% of sales result from phone/walk-ins and 75% result from on-line sales. These groups tend to be mutually exclusive as well (and phone sales/walk-ins tend to be more mature buyers age 50+) as opposed to Internet buyers, (age 16-49).

In conclusion, do you really need a website? Yes, you do.

About The Author

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer

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