Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Getting The Right Testimonial For Your Website

Testimonials are credibility qualifiers. They provide the much needed ‘believe’ factor. However, when you visit many websites you read testimonials and you don’t believe a word they are saying. Why?

Sincerity and honesty play a major factor. When you read many testimonials they tend to just say, “Oh yeah, the product is great. I’ll buy from them again!” This type of testimonial is actually a waste if your time and your customer’s time. This type of testimonial fails to address a reason, any reason as to why the product or service helped the individual who is giving the testimonial.

A much better testimonial would be:

“I tried this product and that service and I was never comfortable giving them my money. When I found YOUR company, I found that you had a real telephone number, a real address and real people answering the phone. I really didn’t need to be ’sold’ on the product. I wanted to know if YOUR product could help me. What I found was very helpful sales staff that faxed and emailed answers to my many questions promptly. I asked about technical support and I was able to speak with the director of operations. You don’t get that anywhere. As a result, I purchased 3 Enterprise Level Site Licences and I am very pleased.”

John Doe, President
The Universe

A caution about testimonials and repeat after me:


Nothing will greatly devalue your product or service like fake or ‘artistically created’ testimonials. Nothing smacks of disservice and will give the naysayers of Internet business and marketing more ammunition to preach about the perils and dangers of doing business on the Internet.

So, how do you get a qualified testimonial? Simple. Ask your customer. You can do this in a few ways. You can send them an email asking if their permission (yes, you need their permission) and what type of positive experience they had with you product or service. This is crucial. You don’t ask if they liked your product/service. You don’t ask if they could help you improve your product/service. You ask them, “Please tell us your positive experience with our ____________ product or service.” At the bottom of the form/email, you ask them for their permission or you can tell them that by replying to your email they are giving you permission to use their testimonial. Always be clear and specific when making this request. Most customers are more than willing to give you a positive response especially if you helped them solve their problems.

Testimonials can make or break your business. By using real, verifiable testimonials you have just increased your on-line business success.

About The Author

Mark Gerrard is the Development Manager of the Freestart Website Builder Platform. See our website builder in action at http://www.freestart.com

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Top Tips for running your own Home Based Internet Business

Who hasn’t thought of working from home? We’ve all had that dream at some time (usually on a Monday morning whilst commuting to work!).

With the maturity of the internet, building a home based internet business is becoming a reality for many people. However there is something you should know before you start on your exciting journey to a new life.

I’ve been successfully running a home based Internet business now for over 6 years and I’ve a few good tips that help keep me on track. Let me share them with you.

Get organised.

You are setting up a business, so you really need to be organised. Ideally set aside a room as your office. Stock it with all the items you need. Computer and printer are obvious! However think about stationary and filing. I have a whiteboard next to my PC which I use to write important to do’s. I also have a calendar with all the important dates (eg: when tax documents are due etc).

Be disciplined.

It’s easy to get side tracked working from home. There are so many other things that attract your attention. It’s easy to find you have the perfectly kept house but a failing internet business, so stay focussed on your business. It’s another good reason for allocating a room as an office. You can shut the door and really focus on your internet business.

Family and Friends

If you work at home, it’s easy for Family and Friends to think you are available for other things. “As you are at home today, can you pick up the shopping” etc. It can be really frustrating how working from home can be seen as not a “proper” job. Keep to strict business hours and spend the time working on your internet business. If you waste that time you will just reinforce any prejudices that you aren’t really doing a proper job.

Getting your website noticed takes time

When building a home based internet business you need to accept that getting noticed by the search engines can take months, especially if you are using a new domain. Using Pay per Click can get immediate results but if can be costly if you get it wrong. In the KKSmarts forum we have a Google Adwords Beginners Guide. It will save your time and money.

Learn about keywords

Keywords are king. If you aren’t using keywords properly on your website then you are in serious trouble. Get keywords right and you will sail ahead of the competition. A well optimised website using the right keywords for your internet business will reward you time and time again.

Do it yourself Optimisation

There are many companies offering optimisation services. This might be ideal if you really don’t have the time or the inclination. However it can cost you some serious money and it’s not always successful. There are quite a few so called “experts” who are talking a lot of rubbish.

Optimising your website really is easy. You can do it yourself and once you’ve learnt the tricks you really are the best person to do. You know your business. You know your customers and so you know what words they are likely to use to find you.

And finally

Above all enjoy the journey. Enjoy building a home based internet business.

About The Author

Mike Seddon is the founder of KKSmarts. Their free Website Promotion Guides help many businesses to get the most out of their websites. The KKSmarts forum contains many free guides in written, audio and video format. They have guides on all things including how to do pay per click, how to optimise your website and many more. For more info:


Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Internet Marketing: Yes, You Can Do It Yourself

Even if you don't know anything about internet marketing, it's not difficult for you to learn how to take advantage of its benefits. One of the easiest types of internet marketing that you can do is that of the email signature line. It requires nothing more than adding the address of your website to every outgoing email, thus increasing the potential that a new customer may see it, visit, and become interested in buying. Although you may not need this so much for your work email, if you have a separate email for your personal correspondence, it can work wonders for you. Since it's only a signature line, and not an actual advertisement, you don't have to worry about being accused of sending spam, but at the same time, you are able to get your point across.

Another thing you can do is make sure that you submit your website to the search engines. If you have a Webmaster who takes care of your website, this may be part of the deal with them, but you want to make sure of that. If you maintain your own website, it's important to make sure that you submit the site to as many of the search engines as possible. There are some places where you can submit free, but that involves a link back to their site from your site, probably not a very businesslike proposition. Besides, if you pay for the service, you will be able to submit to more of the search engines along with directories and other places that will give your website very high exposure.

If you participate in a Pay-per-Click advertising scheme, you will not only be putting your advertising dollars to better use, you can choose where to place your advertisements, thus assuring that a greater amount of traffic comes to your site that is actually interested in your products or services. By targeting only certain types of websites, you have a better chance that those seeing your ad are ones who are interested in buying something from your website.

Although not as effective as the methods above, you can also place the link to your website on Free for All links pages where other people will see them. You want to make sure to choose those who do not require an email address to avoid unwanted advertisements in your email, so you want to find pages that are specifically for businesses such as yours rather than those who allow individuals to advertise services and projects in which they participate. You may also try classified advertisements, but these are in the same category as the FFA pages, and probably even less effective. They are good to add another marketing source, but don't expect too much from them.

About The Author

Ashton Dixon: Internet Made Millionare
Visit http://www.makedinero.com for Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Making Money Without Traffic?

Through the ages men always looked for ways to make more money. Usually this entailed working very hard, or doing a lot of illegal things. The internet truly changed the face of money making opportunities forever. For probably the first time in the history of the world you are able to make money sitting at home the whole day. The Internet opened up brand new ways of increasing your own personal wealth.

Affiliate marketing is probably one of the easiest ways to increase your monthly income, as I am currently doing, and it is open for anybody with a computer and an internet connection. Even people without their own website are able to make extra money being an affiliate. In short affiliate marketing means that you advertise someone else's product and introduce new buyers to their products. For your trouble you are usually paid a percentage of the sale, sometimes up to 75 commission of a $40 sale means you pocket $20 for very little trouble on your side. The wonderful thing about affiliate marketing is that you can make money literally even while you are sleeping. But, there always is a but somewhere, what you seldom hear is that you only make money if you are able to get sellers to the product. In other words, without targeted traffic your changes of making money are extremely slim.

One of your primary concerns is getting good traffic to your site, either by making use of Pay Per Click Advertising like Google Adwords or building your own site and optimizing it for Search Engines. Just a word of warning: Google Adwords can be very expensive if you do not know what you are doing, but it is definitely the fastest way to get traffic. Take a look at my site for some resources available to help you with Google Adwords. On the other hand, building and optimizing your own website can be very cheap, but getting traffic can take some time.

If you want to be successful in affiliate marketing, and thousands already are, you must learn to use the tools available. Do a search on some search engine for Adwords, Affiliate marketing and SEO (or search engine Optimization) and learn a bit about this highly competitive, but extremely lucrative and interesting opportunity. You can also visit my site and learn more about some very good opportunities. Just always remember that in this game numbers make the difference between success and failure. Without large numbers of targeted traffic you will find it difficult to make real money. It will pay you to invest some time in learning about getting targeted traffic first.

About The Author

SJP Babrevian had discovered Online Money Making Opportunities and it blew him away. He is absolutely taken by how easy it is. http://www.onlinemoneyportal.com

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


How To Avoid Web Traffic Disasters, Part 1

Disaster #1. Forgetting To Put Your Fuel Cap Back On

Have you ever forgotten to put your fuel cap back on your car? Not only is it dangerous but you end up costing yourself a fortune as fuel can literally start spilling out of your car - it’s just like pouring money down the drain.

You wouldn’t want to do this in the ‘real world’ would you? So why do you do it online?

When you set up a new AdWords campaign on Google to start getting some pay per click traffic into your website be careful that you don’t end up costing yourself more than you can afford or get less valuable clicks to your site.

AdWords lets you set a maximum daily spend which is handy for capping your spend. A mistake that I made though was when I was advertising one of my own products.

So this was a very targeted pay per click campaign that I was running to get people into my site that were specifically searching for my product by name. The reasoning behind this is that, in theory, you should get less tyre-kickers clicking on the ads as people already know exactly what it is they want.

So anyway, I set up the campaign and activated it.

Everything looked fine but I checked back the next day and I’d spent a small fortune on clicks and not made one poxy sale!

What had gone wrong?

Well, I’d left the tick box on the option "Include Google’s extended site network" or whatever it is they call it. This is basically the option that shows your ads on other people’s websites who are running AdSense ads for Google.

So if you leave this ticked you end up with your ads showing all over the place online and not just in the Google search results. For a specific campaign like this you only want your ads showing up in Google as ads anywhere else are going to attract less-targeted clicks.

You can save yourself a lot of money and wasted time by remembering this one!

Note: I’m not by any means saying to discount using Google’s wider network to place your ads outright. All I’m saying is that when you are running a highly targeted, specific product-orientated campaign like this my testing has shown that results from direct search far outperform those from the wider networked AdSense sites.

About The Author

Michael Cheney

You can grab a a free 30-minute MP3 Audio "How To Get Traffic - Insider Secrets Revealed" and a free 40-page Ebook on how to get traffic just by going to http://www.michaelstrafficvideos.com

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


The Main Key to a Profitable Internet Business

An Internet business can be very rewarding if you know how to make money online.

It's not difficult to make money online, you don't have to be a genius to do it. All you need is to know what to do and how to do it.

It's like any other occupation, would it be like a welder, a doctor or any profession. You need to learn a skill, it will be no difference because you work from home at the Internet. You simply must gain the necessary skill to be able to perform your job right.

A lot of people simply join an opportunity and then sit back and wait for the money. Let's face it, even though you don't have to be a rocket scientist to make it with your Internet business, you still have too work it.

Just as a regular business must be exposed to presumptive customers to be able to prosper, your online business will be dependent on what's called web site traffic. That is the main key to a successful Internet business: To be able to drive lots of targeted traffic to your web site. If you can't get visitors to your site, it will just sit in the cyber space for use of nobody.

And you want your traffic to be targeted, people who are interested in what you have to offer and therefor more likely to perform your MWA(most wanted action). Such as purchase your product/service, click an ad or an affiliate link.

That's all there is to it. Your job is simply to learn how to promote your businesses online. In other words, learning how to drive targeted traffic to your web site.

There are numerous of free and paid ways to promote your business online. For ex. pay per click, ezine ads, article writing, forums, classifieds, press releases, SEO (search engine optimization)...and on it goes.

If you make it your first goal to master the art of promoting your web site and drive targeted traffic to your web pages...You'll soon be able to make money online!

About The Author

Ove Nordkvist has with help of his long experience of small business, created the web site http://www.small-biz-ideas.net
learn more about target website traffic!

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


How To Become A Network Marketing Business Megastar

We know that 5% of network marketing businesses succeed and in time people can make so much money that they qualify for being listed within the top one-tenth of one percent of all the earners in the world. So it is natural to assume that to grow your network marketing business to equal a global conglomerate, you have to be or become some super human-being. In most other occupations this is true. For example, take a look at the super stardom and super wealth of top athletics.

In athletics, various factors play a significant role in success. Success at the very elevated levels leads to mega-wealth. The athlete needs the basic physical body as the foundation to build on which is developed by training over many years, gradually conditioning everything, including the mental processes, to operate competitively.

A team of trainers, coaches and medical experts assist in the preparation. If the athlete and the support team do their jobs correctly, the result is success. Sponsorship and promotion offers flood in and the athlete can enjoy the trappings of mega-wealth.

But what happens if you fail to reach mega-stardom. Records of the mediocre athletes show lives beset by lack of money and support and a dreams that endure a few short years instead of decades or more. This pattern although transparent in sport, athletics, entertainment and others, is common to most walks of life. In network marketing the situation of being barred from super-stardom and mega-wealth, just because you are "average" is simple to overcome.

Every day of every year, a network marketing superstar rises to prominence. Their super-stardom is not because of the opportunity they have joined, their sponsor, their training, company or luck. It is because of themselves. That superstar was waiting to be found. That superstar wanted to be a superstar who had the drive, the natural skills, or the desire to acquire any skills needed. Somebody just happened to offer them the vehicle they needed. Somebody had to sponsor them. It could have been you.

All you have to do is to sponsor a few into your team. To sponsor a super-star or five! keep sponsoring and the law of averages will work in your favour and eventually deliver, meaning you will sponsor a superstar. Keep sponsoring after that and you will eventually sponsor more superstars.

At a very large rally an elderly lady was recognised for being a superstar. There was nothing outstanding about her. She wasn't charismatic, stunningly good looking, a captivating speaker, or a leader. She was average - she knew it, and she admitted it. Her success was down to sponsoring enough people into her team to have sponsored five members who were outstanding, charismatic, good looking, captivating speakers, leaders and superstars. That's what will give you, Mr. and Mrs. Average, a successful superstar lifestyle with your network marketing business?

About The Author

Gordon Milton is a successful internet marketer who uses a completely different, proven approach to building a business. To learn more, visit: http://www.gotitfigured.ws

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Are Online Ads Worth Your Buck?

Whenever you are surfing the internet looking for information you will see a plethora of online advertising offering virtually every conceivable product or service under the sun. As more people hit the information highway, often shunning traditional information sources such as print, television and radio, advertisers are also making the switch. Online advertising can a cost-effective method of reaching web surfers and getting their message in front of a different audience.

One of the biggest advantages of online ads is also one of the biggest disadvantages. Online ads can reach a wider audience and if you have a global internet business can expand the boundaries of your customer base. In most cases you have the ability to determine the types of sites on which your online ads will appear, but in many instances once you place the ad, especially if going through an online ad agency, your site could end up on sites that are inconsistent with you beliefs.

If your business is strictly locally based, with print, television or radio advertising you can restrict the geographic locations where the ads will be heard or seen. For many local-only businesses this type of target advertising reaches only those are likely to be interested in your business and be reasonably expected to visit in person. It all depends on whether you want your advertising effort to have a shotgun effect or a rifle shot.

While a shotgun approach can reach more people in the least amount of time in a much wider area, it will also have many of the ads whiz out into cyberspace with no contact with potential customers. With the rifle approach you can aim your advertising at a specific customer base and even with a potentially higher cost can often realize a better return on the advertising dollar.

When considering online advertising you have to look at the potential return to determine if they are worth your investment. With internet advertising, as will many other forms, it is a numbers game. If you anticipate that 10 percent of those who see the ad will respond and ten percent of those respondents will result in a sale, you should consider that 10,000 advertisement in print media would see 1,000 respondents resulting in 100 sales.

With online ads, your advertisement may reach a million viewers, resulting in 100,000 respondents and 10,000 sales. Weighing these purely hypothetical numbers would seem to make online advertising a good investment. However, depending on the placement of online ads, such as on sites that customers for your products or service rarely if ever visit, the number of respondents may be considerably lower, reducing the potential return on your online ad investment.

If you have an online business, it may pay to advertise where your customers are looking. If your business is completely offline, advertising online may simply make the business with which you advertise the recipient of any income.

About The Author

Copyright © 2007 Vadim Kirienko owns the Home Business Resource Directory where you can find everything you need to start, run and grow a home based business. For further information, go to => http://www.NewAutomaticBuilder.com/pips.html

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Considering an Email Campaign? Do It Right With These 7 Tips for Email Campaign Success

So, you wanna use email as a marketing tool. Great! As part of your overall marketing mix, email can be great for:

* Maintaining regular contact with your audience

* Automating that contact for maximum effectiveness and use of your time

* Creating marketing pieces that can easily be shared with others

Now, if you're like us, you get all fired up to start writing, and you wanna dive right into it.

And to that we have to say, "Whoa, Nelly!"

Because if you're going to spend the time creating the campaign, wouldn't you feel more confident about its potential if you stopped for a few minutes to make sure you get as much out of the effort as possible?

Yep. Thought so. Pleas, grab a pen and paper, or pop open a new Word doc, and consider these seven items:

1. Define the purpose of your campaign.

For some, it's outright sales. Others are meant for relationship-building. Your reason may be entirely different, but be clear on exactly what one thing you hope to achieve.

2. Identify your target audience.

Is it your own in-house list? A specific subset of that list? A partner's or affiliate's list, or maybe one you've purchased? This lays the foundation for knowing the answers to the next questions, all of which are crucial to the success of your campaign.

3. Honor your audience's expectations.

Are they used to all sales emails from you, or do you mix it up with information-rich touches? Do they get text-based emails, HTML emails, or both? How often are they getting email from you already? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you craft a campaign that isn't off-putting, confusing, or ignored by your audience.

4. Respect the Form/Function balance.

Is this a one-shot email, or is it intended to be a series? This affects things like the structure and length of the email content, the level of aggressiveness in your sales pitch, and the call to action you put out to your audience.

5. Manage your expectations.

Industry averages for "successful" campaigns can range from a .03% response rate (for a huge-yet-generic list) to well over 50% (for a highly-niched list with a highly-relevant offer). Look at the performance of previous emails the target audience has received. Be realistic about where you fall in that range. Email campaigns are truly designed to be tested, tweaked, and retested over and over again, so don't expect to hit the ball out of the park with your first big "Send."

6. Mind your ISP manners.

How you send your emails matters a lot! Are you planning to send your marketing emails straight from Microsoft Outlook? Check your Internet Service Provider's policies about bulk emailing. (You may have to send emails out in small batches, for example.) Personally, we use the email/newsletter/list management service provided with AhaCart.com, and it's worked well for us so far. You don't want to go to all the trouble of setting up any kind of email campaign only to have it blocked, spamified, or put into the dreaded junk filter.

7. And most importantly, make sure your campaign fits into your overall marketing strategy.

Done right, this email campaign will be integrated with other marketing channels. (News releases, articles, and blogging are our faves.) And hopefully, it'll be part of a regular Content Plan that lets your audience know you don't just want them for their money.

Ideally, your email campaign will keep your audience engaged with you - regardless of whether they're ready to buy at the moment you email dings into their inboxes. Because as we've been told time and again, people don't buy when you're ready to sell. People buy when they're ready to buy.

And the simple trick to success is this: By implementing consistent, "Dignity Marketing" based communications, you're bound to be there when the buying time comes.

About The Author

(c) 2007 Epiphanies, Inc. As the "Content Lovers" of Epiphanies Inc., Lani & Allen Voivod help lifestyle entrepreneurs "A-Ha Themselves" in fun and profitable ways. For FREE articles, marketing tips, and content strategies designed to fire up your passion and profit-ize your niche, sign up for their "Inciter" ezine at http://www.EpiphaniesInc.com!

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Internet Marketing Secret - Reduce Identity Crisis in Your Marketing Business

Identity crisis can occur on a large scale if it extends to your business. If you want to succeed in your internet marketing business, you must be able to get over your identity crisis and be able to get down to work around your chosen identity. This is essential among the other steps in your marketing plan since it will help you get established uniquely in the sphere of your choice.

Here are a few things you must know in order to reduce identity crisis in your marketing business.

Know Your Status

Where are you at this point? Are you at the very beginning or in the middle of an expansion? These are very important questions if you want to establish your identity. Your identity in the business is dependent on your current status.

Know Your Target

Your target will dictate on how you are to adjust what identity to take. Who is your target audience? What will be the most viable identity to take for them? Are you capable of taking on this viable identity or do you need to think up of something else? These questions are vital for you to know your identity with relation to your target audience.

Know Your Available Resources

What do you have at the moment which can help identify you in the business? You need not go too far. You just see what you have now and make best use of it. Your available resources are useful in order for you to identify yourself in light of what you have and how you are to use them in relation to other elements of your marketing strategy.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

Your strengths and weaknesses can help show you what you can and cannot do. This will objectively paint a picture of your identity in your business. If you are well able to make use of your strengths and weaknesses, your identity will emerge out of it almost naturally.

Know Your Trademark

Now, this is what will set you apart and help you have your own identity apart from other online money makers. What is your trademark? What image do you already have? Or if you do not have an image yet, what is it that you would like other people to see or perceive when they hear about your business. Know your trademark and stick to it.

About The Author

Joel Christopher is a best-selling author, speaker and mentor, known worldwide as The MasterListBuilder.

To find out more on how you can triple your leads, sales and profits.

Visit http://www.MasterListBuilder.com

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


How Email Lists Can Lead To Larger Online Incomes

Communicating with customers is the best way to persuade them to return to your web site and make a purchase. The easiest way to do this is to create an email list. With an email list, you can accomplish many things including:

* Repeat sales – it is much easier to sell items to those who have already used them and are satisfied with them.

* Trust and loyalty – many people are still unsure about purchasing items from the internet and only shop on select sites. Sending email and promotional alerts will persuade people to shop on your site. Once they have made a few purchases, you will have a customer for life.

* Branding – branding your product using a logo or slogan will help people recognize your product easily. Including your company logo in all email sent will help spread the word and create brand awareness as people can forward your email on to others.

* Newsletters – with an email list, you can send monthly newsletters that inform people about what is going on in your industry and your web site. Include sale items, new products, and other information that will entice customers to browse your site.

As you can see, the benefits and possibilities you create for your company by building an email list are many. This is a resource that will continue to grow as more people visit your web site.

Sign me up!

The biggest obstacle when creating an email list is getting people to sign up. While you can't force people to sign up for email alerts, newsletters, and other items, you can persuade them in a variety of ways.

* Landing pages – This is a page that can be used to introduce your web site. Many internet business owners use this page to expand their email lists. Simply ask for email addresses before taking visitors to your site and you will be amazed by how quickly people will sign up.

You can choose to make this mandatory for entry to your web site or voluntary. Try both ways to see which is more successful.

* Advertising the newsletter – By simply adding a sign-up box on the pages of your web site asking if people want to sign up for your newsletter, your email list will grow. Make sure your box is easy to find and easy to use.

* Ordering pages – You can ask customers when they are placing an order if they want to receive alerts and other promotional items. Make it easy by having them click a box to sign-up. Since most companies need email addresses in case of order issues, all you need is the customer's permission to send promotional items to their email address.

* Receipt confirmation pages – Ask a second time on the receipt confirmation email you send to customers. They may change their minds and want to sign-up.

Always include an opt-out option so customers will be able to remove themselves from your email list at any time. Add this to the bottom or your email.

Buying email lists

If you are having difficulty building an email list, you can always enter into a joint venture with other internet business owners or affiliate marketers. By sharing some of the profits earned from list sharing, you will be able to reach even more people, who may turn into customers.

Buying email lists outright from a list broker is another option. For a one time fee, you will have access to hundreds of potential customers. While most internet business owners build their own email lists over time, if you want to increase your sales quickly, investing in an email list may be the right decision for you.

Even though there are many forms of marketing on the internet, communicating directly with customers is still the best way to make a sale. Creating an email list or purchasing one will allow you to showcase new items, persuade more people to visit your site, and increase the number of return customers, which can have a huge impact on your bottom line.

About The Author

Stuart Pearce is founder and owner of Style Product Developer Ltd. The company specialise in offering tools and resources to make the creation of a web based business easy and accessible to all. Begin your online career now, visit http://www.styleopportunities.com for details.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


A Guide To Choosing The Right Hosting For Your Business

Don't believe for a minute that having a good web host isn't vital to your online business. If you get cheap web hosts, downtime can destroy your profits. You must do your research to find a web host carefully before making a contract with a hosting company There are many companies out there and they all have varying degrees of service.

Before you make your decision in what hosting company your will use, look over these points:

Reliable: Your host simply has to be reliable. You cannot afford to have downtime. You lose sales if people can't count on you. Really check out the web hosting company you want to use, reviewing their service completely before signing up. Ask what kind of servers they use and how reliable they are. If there are any testimonials look at them and see that they are authentic.

Good customer support: If you have problems technically at any time, you need to know you have excellent support from your web hosting service.

Monthly contract: Ensure you sign only on a monthly basis and not for 6 months or more, and that you won't be penalized for canceling at any time.

Set up fee: Don't sign up if there is a set up fee. If your hosting service really appreciates your business with them, they won't charge you for set up.

Backing up files: Does your new host back up files and how often? It is very important to back up files and good if your host does this as well.

FTP access: This is a useful feature that some web hosts offer. This will allow you to upload your site whenever you have any changes or additions to your website.

A good number of email addresses: Ensure the host you pick has enough email addresses for your business. You may need many or just a few, but your host should be able to supply you with what you need.

Bandwidth (traffic) allowed: If your host has 5GB of bandwidth, this should work for you. You should know how much you will be provided with.

Extra services: Look into what the price includes. Everything should be plain and laid out clearly as to what you will pay.

Price: You may pay varying prices for your web host, like between $5.95-$19.95. You should research the services offered compared to the price, which can be between $5.95-$19.95. It isn't always a bad sign to only be charged a low fee. It depends what you need.

Cpanel: is a useful feature, and simple to use. This will let you manage your web hosting from one place and has features like web stats and web mail. Make sure your host has a fast connection: Make sure you will have a host with a fast connection or your visitors who only have dial-up will have trouble. When your visitors only have dial up they will still have better speed if your host has fast connecting powers. This will make a lot of difference to the loading time of your site.

Knowing these points will enable you to know the best web hosting company for you.

About The Author

Dan Farrell has a newsletter, Build An eBusiness On A Shoestring. To sign up with free bonuses, go to: Web Hosts (http://build-an-ebusiness-on-a-shoestring.com)

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


How To Find Hot Niche Markets

Working out what your niche market will be to start your home business is something that can elicit much excitement. This is when you can put all those great ideas you have had for your business into a plan of action. Give yourself a number of options to work over. Some will be great and some won't fit. Get more than one so you always have a back up when you start a home business.

Look to 3 sources for ideas:

* A hobby you love: You won't find many hobbies from which you can't build a business. And since you enjoy doing it, it won't be tedious to "go to work" every day. When you pick something for your business that you sincerely like, you will have fun at doing it.

* Your experiences: In life we go though many experiences and you can use these to build a business. For example if you have raised children you can then put all your parenting experience together and start a business related to parenting.

* Your talents: Everyone has one or more talents within them. Dig down and see what yours are. You can start a freelance business using your talents.

Defining your niche market:

1. List out some ideas then put them in the order of what you like the best.

2. Go to the site listed here and put a key word into the overture suggestion tool box: This will bring up the amount of searches that have been done for your keyword and will represent demand.

3. If you search out that same key word on Google search engine http://google.com then you will see websites supplying that item and you will know how many competitors are out there that will be competing with you when you start a home business.

4. If you find a topic that is demanded in quantity but low in the suppliers, you will then make money. This should be your special market for which you do your niche marketing. You will make more money with a niche market as you will reduce and sometimes even eliminate competition. Go through your list of ideas until you narrow it down to about

5. Then go through them again and see which one will fit into a niche market.

Establishing your USP:

Once you have found the concept that fits into a specialized or niche market it is time to establish your USP, Unique, Selling, Point. This is when you will take your idea, and see how you will make your business uniquely different from your competitors. Often neglected, finding the USP is something that new business owners need to do to set their item above the competition. Online businesses are very competitive and you have to stay ahead of the game.

There are two reasons you need to set yourself up as different from others:

1. Get ahead of your competitors

2. To clearly define to your potential customers why your product and service is better than your competitors.

Deciding on your business model:

Part of your business concept will not only be consolidating your ideas but also choosing your business model. There are a few that you can choose from:

* Affiliate marketing-Getting involved with affiliate programs will target your efforts

* Network marketing (MLM)- again this will target your market and idea.

* Marketing-taking the product and selling it

* Service- you should use your talents, which includes freelancing.

You can see there are a number of things you will have to do to get your business concept into operation. But it's worth it to plan and take care in developing it. It will be your foundation, after all.

About The Author

Dan Farrell has a newsletter, Build An eBusiness On A Shoestring. To sign up with free bonuses, go to: Niche Market Ideas (http://build-an-ebusiness-on-a-shoestring.com)

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


A Hard Look at PPC, Click Fraud and the Alternatives

With the creation of the Overture and Google Adwords systems, many webmasters believed they had finally hit the mother lode. It was no longer necessary for small online businesses to invest large amounts of money into Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services to gain high search rankings in the natural search results.

Even webmasters committed to SEO campaigns began to realize its fleeting nature. Given frequent search engine algorithm changes, optimizing a website was no guarantee that in 6 months or less it wouldn't be back to square one and page twenty of the search results.


With the advent of the PPCSE model created by Overture, and followed by Google Adwords, webmasters felt like they had finally found the level playing field that everyone talks about. Hiring a SEO company was no longer necessary to crack the top search engine results. A Page One placement could be purchased and often for far less than the cost of a SEO company's services.

Webmasters discovered that they could get traffic to their website for as little as one cent per click.

Pay-per-click, however, has evolved over the last 5 years and not to the benefit of most webmasters. Although five cents is currently the average starting bid price at most major search engines, many sought after keyword terms can cost as much as $30 - $50 per click. Given the increasingly competitive nature of PPC advertising and spiralling costs, many small- to medium- sized businesses today might be better served hiring a good SEO company to search optimize their websites.


There are four types of people who click on pay-per-click ads. Knowing who these people are helps explain why experts keep telling us that 20% to 25% of all clicks on PPC listings are "fraudulent clicks".

Personality Type #1: True-Blue Prospects

These are the people for whom you have placed your pay-per-click ads. They see your advertisement; they like what they see; and they click your link to see if you can actually serve their needs.

Personality Type #2: Accidental Clickers

Every once in a while, even my finger misfires, and I click an advertisement that I did not intend on clicking. My first thought is usually, "Oh no...", and my first action is to find the back button.

I didn't mean to cost that person money by clicking his advertisement... but I did. It was an accident. Now, the advertiser has to pay for my mistake. That bites.

Personality Type #3: Jealous Competitors

I would like to think that all of my, and your, competitors are fine, upstanding people. And most of them are. But, there are some who are not, and they click on pay-per-click links just to be spiteful or just to cost their business rivals a few dollars.

Believe it or not, a good percentage of "fraudulent clicks" are believed to be clicks perpetrated by people against their competitors.

Personality Type #4: True-Blue Fraudsters

Not that long ago pay-per-click providers realized that there was tremendous opportunity in offering small website owners a method for cashing in on their limited traffic.

Today, a webmaster can go to any number of pay-per-click services, add a small piece of code to a webpage and start serving paid advertising the same day. Webmasters thus become revenue share partners with the PPC provider, splitting revenues with the PPC provider for each click.

Ethical webmasters, of course, put the needs of their advertisers first and focus on putting eyeballs on their website so that visitors can click on the advertising links.

But, the word "ethical" doesn't exist in the vocabulary of some webmasters. These are the "true-blue fraudsters" who believe in making "revenue at any cost... no matter who might be hurt by their actions." They devise schemes to have their own ads clicked in order to drive up their revenue share.

These webmasters, although a minority, are responsible for the vast majority of fraudulent clicks. And, they are the same people that should be taken out behind the barn, for a good old-fashioned flogging --- one lashing for each stolen dollar would be fine with me.


If the experts are correct in estimating that 25% of all clicks are fraudulent, then you are paying out 33% more than you should have to pay to get your business.

If you are converting PPCSE clicks-to-sales at a rate of $20 per transaction, then you should be aware that your actual conversion rate for non-PPCSE advertising would cost you an average of $15 per transaction. By escaping the pay-per-click search engine model, you could in effect make an additional $5 per transaction by cutting the fraud out of your marketing budget.

Personally, I would rather not pay the pay-per-click mafia the $5 a transaction that they are exacting against pay-per-click advertisers.


I have always gained the best bang for my buck with pay-for-placement advertising. In a nutshell, I pay a monthly, quarterly or yearly fee to have my advertising seen on various websites. Banner advertising is always an option, but text links provide better click-through rates (CTR's).

At any one time, you can find links to my websites on dozens of other websites.

Here are a few examples of pay-for-placement, often referred to as "paid inclusion", advertising networks:

ISEDN.org Network: ( http://www.ISEDN.org )

The Independent Search Engine and Directory Network (powered by ExactSeek.com) is comprised of more than 200 specialty search engines, search directories and article directories. Through their system, you can buy quarterly or yearly top ten exposure (http://www.exactseek.com/featured_listings.html) for specific keyword phrases which are then shown through the ISEDN's 200 plus member websites. Their network claims to show paid inclusion ads 150 million times per month.

Pricing starts at $4 per month per keyword phrase and goes down according to the number of keyword phrases purchased. Quarterly and yearly rates for one keyword phrase are $12 and $36, respectively.

BraveNet.com Home Page Featured Advertiser Listing: http://www.adbrite.com/mb/commerce/purchase_form.php?zone_id=8181 4

BraveNet is the number one provider of free web tools in the world and through their AdBrite sales page you can purchase a 30 day text advertisement at the bottom of the Bravenet home page for $1500 or a 3 month advertisement for $3500. According to the Bravenet Media Kit ( http://www.bravenetmedianetwork.com/mediakit.php ), their network serves 500 million page views per month.

ColdFront Network: ( http://www.coldfront.net/index.php/content/view/100/50/ )

ColdFront serves the Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPG) communities. With 150,000 unique visits and 12 million page views per month, they provide real advertising value, if your target market happens to be in this area. Paid inclusion can be purchased for $250 to $350 per month.


We put locks and deadbolts on our doors. In some localities, we put bars on our windows. We keep our valuables in safes. We keep our cars locked when we are not in them. We are a nation obsessed with protecting our valuables.

And yet, when we advertise our online businesses, we seem to be willing to let PPCSE providers steal 25% of our advertising budget? It boggles the mind.

Personally, I am done with PPCSE companies until they can assure me that my advertising dollars are protected from click fraud.

I have always relied on my own search engine optimization skills to strengthen my natural search results. And frankly, I am pretty good at it.

And, to supplement my own SEO efforts and organic search result placement sucesses, or lack thereof, paid inclusion currently offers me the best value for my money.

About The Author

Bill Platt is the owner of http://thePhantomWriters.com Article Distribution Service. Through his system, you can have your Free Reprint Articles sent to thousands of publishers and webmasters looking for good quality content. If you need someone to write articles for you, Bill's writers can create interesting articles on most any topic. If you would like to talk to Bill personally about his services, you can reach him from 9:30am to 6pm CST at: (405) 780-7745.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


The Net's New Information Highway

For more years than I care to admit, I have depended on either word-of-mouth, catchy ads or Search Engine results to draw me into a new program. I have stopped reading Testimonials altogether because his or her success (real or embellished) is no guarantee of my own – and that’s just common sense.

I’m all about residual or leveraged income anyway and the only road for me. I no longer agree to sell someone’s product for twenty bucks and do it over again tomorrow and the next day. For the same amount of effort, I can get a leveraged program up and running with whatever is asked of me to qualify for on-going income with no further attention on my part. This is the only way to go. And once initiated and running on auto pilot, I look for a new money-stream.

The Internet changes faster than the speed of thought, and so must our searches and marketing strategies. Yesterday’s “landing pages” are today’s “splash pages”. Yesterday we heard about a great opportunity from an Ezine ad or a Free Report… today we have new sources: Forums and Blogs.

Advertising and promotional posts are not allowed in most Forums. There are special Forums for posting your Bizop, but I don’t think anyone reads these any more than antiquated FFA pages. But questions and answers do not violate this rule. So I look up Forums whose members are working from home or wish they were, and tune in on what they call “Hot Topics”. I choose three or four Forums and put the websites in my favorites so I can tune in daily and sort of eavesdrop on the hot topics.

Often it goes like this: Act3 is asking if anyone has heard about XYZ program; good or bad. Gemeni responds because he is a member of that program. Then others begin to ask about it. They want to know if Gemeni has been paid yet? How long did it take to return his investment? Gemeni responds with replies giving factual data. BigSpender posts her reply by saying she joined under Gemeni and I begin to read her positive comments also. Act3 joined during my second week of eavesdropping on all of this, and the three of them formed a winning team.

I have given you a short version, but enough to realize that this is a perfect avenue to find a new and promising program. Take what this Forum has offered and check out Scambusters and all other due diligence that you would do for any new opportunity. With everything on go – join and begin to spread the word the same way you heard about it.

When you join Forums, you choose a “username” and post your sentence or two without making it appear like a blatant ad. However, they DO allow you to put your URL at the close of your post.

Go to a Forum that has a “thread” for members who are interested in working from home. Start asking if anyone knows something about XYZ company, good or bad. Wait a day or two to see if anyone posts a reply. If nothing negative comes back, or no one has heard of XYZ, then you might post a new thread giving some of the details you have acquired “from other Forums”. It might go something like this:

Hi everybody – bigbill here – in my last post I asked if anyone could tell me about XYZ company and since I didn’t get any replies, I went to another Forum and posted the same question. I had several people tell me that XYZ’s cyclic target referral system has broken all the conservative boundaries of any other system. Can this be true? http://www.xyzcompany.com/osborn

Notice I did include my URL, and I tried hard not to make my post sound like an advertisement or it would have been deleted by the moderator. Now, let’s look at blogging. Got a website? Got a product? Got a blog?

Yes, Blog your program daily with a free blog that is RSS fed. There are no rules here. Set up a blog; set up two - or three and each day type a few paragraphs that show the benefits of your program. Be sure to RSS it and you will have no trouble getting new participants to look over your program.

Play nice.

2007 Esther Smith

About The Author

Esther Smith writes and publishes Marketing Articles and is a firm believer in Leveraged Income. She invites others to view an excellent example at: http://www.diamondcashclub.com/pisces and study “the plan”. Invitation to Internet Success is her eBook, a pdf file and free to all. Download yours today. When the student is ready, the master will appear. http://thepermanentventure.com/InternetSuccess.pdf

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


How To Reach And Stay At The Top Of The First Page Of The Search Engines

Everybody is familiar with search engines such as Google & Yahoo. Search Engines have radically changed the Internet. Radically! Over 50% of all consumer purchases of all business purchases are now pursued by searches. That’s what was said months ago and it is obviously going higher. So the majority of people Worldwide who now are on computers, the first place they go to is a Search Engine to find information, for what they are looking for.

The Search Engine technology is now based and what Search Engine is trying to do as they are trying to put out in front of their searchers, the most current relative information possible. Google knows that what it can give you is exactly what you want to see and it’s relative to the current & it’s timely. And you are going to come back to Google over, over and over again.

Why all those Bloggers out there for years have been making a lot of money and how they are promoting for free, and how they getting free publicity and generating MASS traffic to their sites? Because Bloggers took advantage of what Google had determined was the secret to the Internet right now. A WEB SITE THAT CHANGES A LOT GETS MORE RATING WITH A SEARCH ENGINE. So if your website is changing a lot and adjusting a lot and is current, Google will push you up on the rating. That means you are getting closer, closer and closer to the first page. And this is extremely important, particularly if you know how to what is called “games the system.

What those Bloggers do – they “game the system”. And here is how they game the system: They went out and found the websites that have the absolute most change going on in a web site every single day, every single hour, every single minute, and every single second. They are powerful websites that have constant change, constant upgrading going on every minute of every day. Theses website are called “Article Hubs”. These web sites grow out of the whole change in how Search Engines work because people realized that the more websites change, the more powerful website are in searches, they realized there better be constant change. This is particularly true in Media sites & this is particularly true with Bloggers, because they began to figure out that if they have more constant change on their sites every day their Bloggs will lift on the searches. And I am going to show you one of those hugs sites. It is an extremely powerful site, 5000-7000 writers, authors, reporters & Bloggers place their articles in this site every day.

Do you understand that that site is not just visited by tens of thousands of writers and author’s who have submitted articles everyday? Do you realize this site is visited by over a million unique visitors every single day? So these sites, these Article Hubs are incredibly potent. And when you put one article in one of these sites, guess what you start to do? You start to dominate keywords. And if you can get on the first page of any major keyword you have hit a Gold Mine! One article! One keyword! Traffic, traffic, traffic! There is one example “Religion and online marketing”, this article was written two years ago and guess where they are.

Do you know when you put a keyword in worldwide there are over 35 millions places on the web that have this constant in here with Religion and Online Marketing? And this article is still having a first result, first page. That was written TWO YEARS AGO! He has been getting traffic every single day for almost 800 days for this article. One Article! One keyword! Traffic, Traffic, Traffic! And if you go page after page, after page you are going to see that article over and over and over … That Company continues to get traffic to this very day. That’s the power of Article Hubs.

If you are looking for a home business opportunity please check this site! With this new marketing system, even beginners are successful.

About The Author

Olga Fogleman
I came to America from Russia 7 years ago.
I have a great family: my lovely husband who is helping me on my projects and my son, who is a student at the University of Florida now.
I am an accountant with a Bachelor Degree and many years of experience.
I am also a successful eBay seller and Internet marketer so I quit my 9-5 job and I am enjoying my life now.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


How-To Make Your Ezine Stand Out From The Masses

This morning, I was contemplating the question of how many ezines (electronic magazines) were currently in circulation. So, I tried to do a bit of detective work.

* Newsletter Access (http://www.newsletteraccess.com/) has nearly 10,000 ezines listed in their database.

* PubList.com shows 150k in their database.

* The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) database has so far registered more than one million periodicals, many of those being in the electronic format. (http://www.issn.org/)

No matter which set of numbers you follow, there are a lot of ezines competing with your ezine for the same set of readers.

With so much competition in the marketplace for ezine subscribers, it is imperative for us to learn how to develop a loyal following among our own subscribers. In this article, I examine a three ezines that are excelling in the marketplace and building a large and loyal following of readers. I will also look at three reasons why these three e-zines are doing so well.

The Electronic Newsletters That We Will Review...

1. Travel by Vasrue Weekly E-Magazine (http://travel.vasrue.com/newsletter/index.html)

2. Your Membership (http://www.yourmembership.net/)

3. SiteProNews (http://www.sitepronews.com/)

Original And Exclusive Content

All three of these electronic newsletters utilize original content at one level or another.

* Travel by Vasrue uses only exclusive, original, travel content in their E-Magazine.

* The Your Membership newsletter, owned by AEO Publishing, Inc., provides a section of their newsletter for webmasters to submit websites for review, and then they print some of those reviews for their readers to consider. They also allow individuals to submit questions, and then they print the best answers submitted by their readers.

* SiteProNews, owned by Jayde Online, Inc., utilizes a lot of first-run, original content written by members of their staff, including articles written by Jim Hedger and Mel Strocen. Some of this content can be seen in other publications later, but you will always see it in SiteProNews first.

Exclusive content allows your ezine to stand far above all of your competitors. While free reprint articles (like this one) are a good source of information, most of your competitors rely solely on other people to create the content for their newsletters.

For most readers, this is not a big deal, except when the particular article used may have been read in competing ezines previously.

Readers tend to favor ezines that utilize exclusive or first-run content in their issues.

A Winning Formula

Successful ezines always have a specific format and formula for their publications.

* Travel by Vasrue focuses on giving their readers specific information that they can use to make good travel decisions. They also provide specific information regarding a choice of vacation options within the context of their currently discussed travel destination.

* The Your Membership newsletter focuses on offering their readers an opportunity to ask questions and to have those questions answered by other readers who have the knowledge to share.

* SiteProNews prefers to provide content that will point you to third-party resources that are related to the current topic.

Once an ezine has found their winning formula, that formula will become their trademark.

They Understand Their Readers

If you do not understand what your readers want from your newsletter, you will never be able to develop a profitable mailing list.

* Travel by Vasrue doesn't leave it to chance. They ask their readers what destinations they would be interested to find specific information. Then they deliver exactly what their readers have asked to receive.

* The Your Membership newsletter is offered on a dozen or so websites that cater specifically to the needs of webmasters who are looking to develop a commercially viable website. While the source of the subscription pretty much defines what their readers want to see in the newsletter, the fact that they rely on the Q&A process to fill their issues helps them to select articles that would be of real interest to their readers.

* SiteProNews is offered to the people who use Jayde Online's many free webmaster tools. Their newsletter caters to the needs of those commercial webmasters who are already utilizing their free tools.

In Conclusion...

Successful ezines are those that are willing to cater to the specific needs of their readers, and then they deliver their information in a consistent format. Successful ezines are also those that are willing to invest the extra time, effort and money into creating one-of-a-kind, original content for their readers to voraciously consume.

While those reprint articles are often very informative, I am sure that you hate it when you see the same article appear in a number of the ezines that you read. A once-in-a-while repeat article is all well and good, but if one ezine is consistently following in the footsteps of another ezine you read, then why would you want to keep reading the second?

The Your Membership newsletter has shown us that utilizing mostly reprint articles can prove successful, when you are willing to mix some other kinds of exclusive content with the free reprint articles. SiteProNews has shown us that you can be successful when you are willing to mix original, first-run articles with reprint articles.

By following the lead of those who have been successful before you, you might just find that you can build your mailing list to be a very profitable aspect of your overall enterprise. It is my hope that this free reprint article has given you some food for thought as to how to follow in the steps of those before you.

About The Author

Bill Platt owns http://thePhantomWriters.com, which specializes in distributing free-reprint articles to ezine publishers and webmasters. He has been providing his services since 2001. You can reach Bill by phone at 405-780-7745 between the hours of 9am and 6pm CST, Monday through Friday. To learn about some of Bill's other services, please visit http://www.PlattServicesInc.com

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Have We Really Seen The Death Of Article Marketing?

Article marketing has been an effective method of website promotion that has literally been used since the inception of the public Internet. I have been online since November of 1995, and even in those early days, I would read people's articles and click the link in their resource box to learn more about their website.

The Early Days of Article Marketing

In those early days, there were a few players who recognized the value of article marketing. The two writers who were most influential to my use of article marketing, as a promotion method, were:

* Dr. Nunley (http://www.DrNunley.com) has been online since 1996, and this website was registered in Oct. of 1997. Dr. Nunley was influential in that he taught me the power of syndicated article content. * Wild Bill Montgomery (http://www.MakingProfit.com) started his website in Nov. of 1998. Wild Bill offered one of the very first article distribution websites. I received his daily mailings for nearly a year, until he shut his article system down. I subscribed to Wild Bill's mailings, so that I could locate articles for my own publication and website, and later to distribute my own articles.

It was in the aftermath of the demise of Montgomery's article distribution system that I wrote my first script to enable me to make better use of this promotional method for my own articles. That original script was adapted later to became the foundation for my article distribution service a couple years later.

How Article Marketing Came To Be Regarded As A Powerful Tool

For several years, article marketing remained a promotion technique utilized only by a few hundred people who fancied themselves as decent to good writers. These individuals were able to generate quite a buzz for their own websites. The buzz in turn created streams of traffic to their websites, and more importantly, sales.

Their articles were picked up regularly by ezines, which need good content to retain the attention of their readers. Publication of the articles in ezines resulted in thousands of website visitors in just a few days. My biggest ezine publication event resulted in 16,000 visitors in the first 96 hours after publication. I regularly see thousands of visitors in three-to-four days, due to publication in individual ezines.

Articles that I had written in 1999 still reside on websites where they were originally published those many years ago. And, I still see regular traffic from the placement of those articles. Yes, and I still retain link popularity and good search engine rankings, as the result of the placement of those articles on third-party websites.

Many writers were seeing the same results as I had seen, and they told others about their great success. People began to pay attention and take advantage of the technique for their own promotion.

A New Breed Of Article Marketers

In late 2004, the market changed when people decided that the only goal of article marketing was for the purpose of link building for link popularity purposes.

A few new distribution systems popped up only targeting placement of articles on third-party websites. With these new systems, the article writers had to put their own articles into the distribution services database, and they had to select a general category for the placement of their articles.

Suddenly, with these new fully automated systems, computers were left to answer the most important question of category placement. These new systems left this important question to the computers to solve.

People were being removed from the article placement process, because people cost more money to employ, leaving a lot of results to chance. But, the new breed of article marketers did not care. They liked the lower cost of human-free article placement.

The Four Primary Players in of a Successful Article Marketing Campaign

There are four primary players in the article marketing game. First of course is the writer. Then there is the distribution person or service. Third is the website owner or ezine publisher. And the final element is the person who will read the article and act upon what they read in the article.

Sometimes the writer is the same person as the distribution person. That is fine. The website owner or ezine publisher is actually the most important person in the link building process, because he or she wants to be sure that the fourth person, the reader, will be happy with what they are publishing.

Believe it or not, the website owners and the ezine publishers are frequently very selective about what articles they are willing to accept from a writer or distribution service. After all, if the readers are not happy with what is published on the website or ezine, then the reader will not feel a need to return to either one. Webmasters and ezine publishers, who are committed to success, will be even more selective in their article choices.

To see what website owners really think of many of the automated article distribution systems, read this: http://www.articledashboard.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4679

Any writer or article marketer, who does not pay attention or consider the needs or desires of webmasters or publishers in the process, is condemning their article marketing campaigns to failure.

Twisted Logic

When this new breed of article marketer began showing up at my article distribution service, I found myself in many strangely naïve conversations.

People would enquire about the value of our service. Naturally, I would mention publication in ezines as a method of driving thousands of targeted visitors to their website. Then I would mention the value of links on third-party websites, which results in the double benefit of targeted traffic from the third-party website and link popularity for search engine rankings.

Frequently, people would tell me that they literally "do not care about placement of their articles in ezines." They continued to explain that they were only interested in placement on third-party websites for the purpose of influencing their search engine rankings.

Wow! Every time I heard someone make this claim, I would think to myself about the shortsightedness of this approach. In my experience, link popularity and search rankings were a long-term benefit, and the publication of an article in an ezine is what was generating the most immediate and largest amount of click-through traffic to my websites.

But, who am I? I am just some guy who had been using this marketing technique for five years at that time, and I was a person who had been providing distribution services to other writers for several years. Why would anyone want to hear my thoughts on the subject?

The Proclaimed Death of Article Marketing as an Effective Promotion Tool

I have been hearing rumors for years of the death of article marketing as an effective marketing tool. Here are a couple samples:

* Dmitri Davydov proclaimed in June of 2007 that "'article marketing' has been long dead." (http://www.nichegeek.com/article_marketing_is_it_dead_yet) * In May of 2007, a few people in this forum thread declared that article marketing does not work, one of them just a little more vehemently than the rest (http://forums.digitalpoint.com/showthread.php?t=338394).

What I find somewhat funny and disconcerting at the same time is that most of the people making this proclamation actually admit that they have only tried article marketing with "one or two articles". In their wisdom, you should ignore people like me who have seen success with this promotion method, and you should follow their advice to abandon all hope for article marketing as a method for website promotion.

I have asked a few people to better define the status of article marketing:

1. Does article marketing not work? Or, 2. Did article marketing just not work for them?

The Nail in the Paid Links Coffin

On April 14th, 2007, the Google Guy (Matt Cutts) spoke out against paid links. A firestorm of complaints from webmasters followed Cutts' initial comments.

On June 12th, 2007, Cutts' original comments became official Google policy as shown here (http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2007/06/more-ways-for-you-to-give-us-input.html)

Vanessa Fox of Google summed up the issue very succinctly, "Links that are purchased are great for advertising and traffic purposes, but aren't useful for PageRank calculations. Buying or selling links to manipulate results and deceive search engines violates (Google's) guidelines."

Confusion Ensues Over Paid Links

With Google officially stomping on "paid links," a lot of confusion entered into the marketplace. The confusion really hinges on one simple question: What kinds of links does Google consider to be paid links?

Many people have extrapolated Google's campaign against "paid links" to suggest that anytime someone pays money for a link building activity, then the links created during that activity will be construed by Google as a paid link, and that link will be discounted or ignored by Google. But, that simply is not the case.

Some have even chosen to lump "article marketing" as a "paid link", thereby decreeing that article marketing is truly and finally dead.

But all one has to do to gain a different point of view is to listen to Matt Cutts' comments from the SMX Search Marketing Expo in Seattle on June 4th, 2007 (http://videos.webpronews.com/2007/06/04/smx-seattle-matt-cutts-on-duplicate-and-paid-search/).

Within this video, Matt Cutts said, "If you are going to syndicate your content, try to make sure people know that you are the master or source of it. You can do it with a link from the article or link from the video, or stuff like that..."

The End of Article Marketing As We Knew It...

I don't know about you, but I read Cutts' last comment above as an indication that Google still considers article marketing to be a valid and Google-approved method of building links to one's website.

But, no matter how we cut it, we have in fact passed "the end of article marketing as we once knew it." Here is why:

* Some people will never have the chance to read this article and make their own mind about whether what I say has merit, or not. * Some people will simply trust the fear mongers who have been trying to declare article marketing dead for years. * And, some people will decide that they are not willing to take the chance that I might be right.

Going forward, we will see a fewer people using article marketing as a promotion technique.

The fact is that many people have quit using article marketing as a promotion technique. This outcome will only strengthen the hand of those of us who continue to utilize article marketing to promote our websites. After all, with fewer people using articles to market their websites, we will have fewer writers to compete with, in order to get attention for our own articles.

About The Author

Bill Platt has offered article marketing services through http://www.thephantomwriters.com since 2001. If you are interested in guaranteed link building (http://www.linksandtraffic.com) services, utilizing articles as the foundation for the links, then Bill's team can help you with that as well. If you have questions that only Bill can answer, give him a call at (405) 780-7745, between 9am-6pm CST, Monday through Friday.

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


Gerrymandering The Google Search Results

Every few months, you will see posts by many people declaring that Google has it in for their website. Often, you see threats about how the webmaster plans to sue Google for hurting their business' profits. On and on it goes... Every webmaster who was dropped from Google's top search result pages wants to believe that Google singled out their website and their business for punishment and extinction.

How The Google Search Results Is Related To Gerrymandering

According to Wikipedia.com, "Gerrymandering is a form of redistricting in which electoral district or constituency boundaries are manipulated for an electoral advantage."

Most states in the US redraw their electoral districts at least every decade. In 36 of the states, the state legislature is responsible for drawing the new districts -- in principle to account for shifts in population -- and the governor is required to approve those changes.

With nearly every redistricting, the party who is out-of-power generally screams foul. The argument is always that the political party in power adjusted the lines to improve their ability to win elections and control the electoral power structure.

The entire process of redistricting is a good analogy for the Google algorithm changes. The people in power (Google) redraw the lines, and the party out-of-power (the webmasters who dropped in ranking) cry foul, threatening lawsuits and other actions.

Something Right And Something Wrong

Of course, the same webmasters screaming about having dropped in Google's search results did not have a problem when Google allowed them to climb in the search results previously.

People only moan about things when they are on the way down. When they were on the way up, they danced on the coffins of their competitors without a care in the world.

The truly funny thing about it is that when people were on their way up in the Google search results, they told all of their friends that "they" did something right. When they are on their way down, "Google" did something wrong.

Shaky Foundations For Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

PROBLEM: If the website dropped out of Google's top 1000 results, then I am willing to bet that in nearly every situation of this type, the webmaster had done something wrong in the last few years, and Google has just now caught on to this infraction.

For example, in years past, link farms were utilized by webmasters and accepted by Google. Then Google began to consider link farms to be "bad neighborhoods."

Link farms are the kind of thing that can be easily recognized by human and search engine alike. So, the link farms were tagged as "bad neighborhoods" and their values were discounted to zero, and the websites linked from link farms got a minus points for their participation in the link farms.

It was a bad practice that the webmaster had participated, and Google finally got around to penalizing the websites whose rankings were supported by these shaky foundations.

SOLUTION: If you try to put yourself into the shoes of the experts at Google, and you wanted to improve the Google search results, what would YOU do? Before you answer this question, remember that you work for Google and not for yourself. What would you do? What would you do different?

"White hat" and "black hat" SEO methods are an analogy of Search Engine Optimization techniques that refers back to the old cowboy classics, where the "good guy" always wore a "white hat" and the 'bad guy" always wore a "black hat".

While you are working for Google, take a look at the SEO technique you are thinking about using for your own website. Chances are that if you deem a SEO technique to be "gray hat" (something in between ethical SEO and unethical SEO), then chances are that someday that technique will be deemed "black hat" by the Google engineers. And if the SEO technique is "black hat," it will likely be targeted for discount by Google at some time in the future.

If you delve into "gray hat" or "black hat" SEO, you may be able to rocket to the top of the Google search results quickly, but you will not be able to hold that position for long. Google will eventually get wise to your gimmick.

If you can "white hat" your website to the top of the search results, your future ranking will likely hold its ground for many years to come.

Your Competition Out-Played You

PROBLEM: If a website dropped a few positions in the Google search results, I am willing to bet that in nearly every situation, one of the website's major competitors out-performed them in the search results.

There are certain things that you can do correctly, to elevate your own listings in the search engine results. Because you have the capability to do these things, your competitors also have the capability to do these things.

Well guess what? Your competitor did what you should have done. They set up marketing systems to ensure that they could climb in the search results, and they climbed enough to pass you by.

SOLUTION: Do those things that you know you should be doing. And more importantly, do them consistently. Your competitor wants your placement in the search results, and they are going to do what it takes for them to get there.

So, it is imperative for you to keep moving forward in the process of building your ranking in the search engines. When you stand still, resting in the comfort zone of where you reside today, then you are bound to be overtaken by someone who wants to be where you are, a little bit more than you do.

Stir That Pot

PROBLEM: If a website dropped a few pages in the search results, the cause for the drop may have been caused by a combination of the two above-mentioned problems: shaky SEO foundations, and hungry competitors.

SOLUTION: Keep your eye on the big picture. You know what you have done to strengthen your website in the past. Keep learning and keep growing.

If you find that something you had done in the past may affect your website negatively in the future, implement "white hat" SEO techniques to strengthen your position, and make plans to eliminate your reliance on "black hat" SEO systems before Google does it for you.

Don't Make The Mess And You Won't Have To Clean It Up

Some may think my approach to housecleaning is an indication of laziness. I consider it to be an indication of good time management. I prefer to reserve my time for things that are more enjoyable.

My theory towards housework -- and I try to teach this to my kids often -- is that if you don't want to clean up the mess, don't make the mess in the first place. If the house is not messy, you don't have to clean it. So, don't make the house messy.

I utilize the same approach to my websites. If I do it "white hat" and above-reproach the first time, then I won't have to go in and fix my rankings everytime Google changes their algorithms.

Stop Standing Still

Do remember that for most every search term you compete to rank for, there are probably another one million web pages competing to rank for the same keyword phrase. Getting to the top of the search engine results is a process, not a destination. You must keep competing to maintain your spot at the top of the search results.

If you want to get to the top of the search results, you will have to take positive steps to get there. And, if you want to maintain your top position in the search engines, you need to keep doing the things that put you in that top spot in the first place.

About The Author

Bill Platt is President of Platt Services, Inc. and owner of Links And Traffic. He has been involved in article marketing and link building since 1999. If you are looking to have someone build anchor text links to your website, using targeted and interesting content as the foundation, then Bill's team can help you: http://www.LinksAndTraffic.com - If you would prefer to talk to Bill by phone, he can be reached at 405-780-7745 between 9am-6pm CST, Monday thru Friday. http://www.PlattServicesInc.com

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer
