Networking marketing is still a fantastic business model to provide you
with an additional income stream should business slow down. With the
emergence of internet based network marketing opportunities the chances
of you finding a business that compliments your business activity is
even more likely.
Years ago just the thought of network marketing was enough to scare
people away (and it still is even now but not as much!) Rumours of lost
income and pyramind schemes saw innocent people robbed and
disillusioned but it doesn't have to be that way.
A little due diligence can go a long way towards ensuring that you find
a reputable company that will support you in your efforts of building a
profitable network marketing business. It's really easy to be sucked in
by a flash presentation and big income promises but the real work comes
from researching the company, it's management and it's financial
position before you sign the dotted line.
Your sponsor should also be an important determining factor and their ability to keep you motivated and on track.
It's also important to remember that it's not all income and
glamour, there is a scary statistic that I read recently which shows
only a very small percentage (2-3%) actually make a huge six figure
income through network marketing with many more leaving before they
really get started.
But many people still enjoy a regular ongoing income if they stick with their business for a few years and keep working at it.
Running a network marketing business takes work and commitment. It
is no different to running your own business and if you happen to be
doing both then it's easy to see why people give up. So it's always
good to remember when you are considering taking on an extra business
that it's going to take your time, energy and extra money in promotion
if you want it to suceed.
For that reason it is important to find a company that you really
like, either because of their product or their work ethic. If you can
promote your network marketing business to your current clients that
can make it even more worthwhile.
It makes it easier when you are feeling like you are tired of promoting or if you have had yet another person say no!
I know a yoga teacher who promotes Herbal Life, a therapist who
promotes Tahitain Noni Juice, quite a few Life Coaches who promote
Success University and because these businesses fit in well with their
current business they are able to enjoy the extra income and even
recruit new distributors.
I run 2 network marketing businesses providing different topics but
both of them fit into my love of personal development and internet
marketing. HelloWorld provides me with an opportunity to promote the
work that I do and publish events that I record (all be it briefly) as
well as fulfilling my love of streaming digital media (I am becoming
quite the geek!) and Success University is an alternative to coaching
for people who can't afford it, or for people who just need a
"maintenance" program to keep them focused. But I don't only promote
these products I use them too.
There are many benefits to running your own network marketing
internet based business and I will be talking alot about them over the
coming weeks because I believe in it's power as a business model. It
has certainly kept my head above water over the last few months as I
gave up coaching to focus on building my online business Women Internet
Ultimately I want to be known for developing my own business but as I
believe in the power of developing income streams from many sources
network marketing is still a powerful source to consider.
Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run
online business ,matrix,internet marketing solution ,online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer ,computer training ,computer software andpersonal computer,Cyber Forest,internet weapon,talk about business ,business is my blood ,hasan's blog ,cyber business
Technorati Tags: internet marketing
with an additional income stream should business slow down. With the
emergence of internet based network marketing opportunities the chances
of you finding a business that compliments your business activity is
even more likely.
Years ago just the thought of network marketing was enough to scare
people away (and it still is even now but not as much!) Rumours of lost
income and pyramind schemes saw innocent people robbed and
disillusioned but it doesn't have to be that way.
A little due diligence can go a long way towards ensuring that you find
a reputable company that will support you in your efforts of building a
profitable network marketing business. It's really easy to be sucked in
by a flash presentation and big income promises but the real work comes
from researching the company, it's management and it's financial
position before you sign the dotted line.
Your sponsor should also be an important determining factor and their ability to keep you motivated and on track.
It's also important to remember that it's not all income and
glamour, there is a scary statistic that I read recently which shows
only a very small percentage (2-3%) actually make a huge six figure
income through network marketing with many more leaving before they
really get started.
But many people still enjoy a regular ongoing income if they stick with their business for a few years and keep working at it.
Running a network marketing business takes work and commitment. It
is no different to running your own business and if you happen to be
doing both then it's easy to see why people give up. So it's always
good to remember when you are considering taking on an extra business
that it's going to take your time, energy and extra money in promotion
if you want it to suceed.
For that reason it is important to find a company that you really
like, either because of their product or their work ethic. If you can
promote your network marketing business to your current clients that
can make it even more worthwhile.
It makes it easier when you are feeling like you are tired of promoting or if you have had yet another person say no!
I know a yoga teacher who promotes Herbal Life, a therapist who
promotes Tahitain Noni Juice, quite a few Life Coaches who promote
Success University and because these businesses fit in well with their
current business they are able to enjoy the extra income and even
recruit new distributors.
I run 2 network marketing businesses providing different topics but
both of them fit into my love of personal development and internet
marketing. HelloWorld provides me with an opportunity to promote the
work that I do and publish events that I record (all be it briefly) as
well as fulfilling my love of streaming digital media (I am becoming
quite the geek!) and Success University is an alternative to coaching
for people who can't afford it, or for people who just need a
"maintenance" program to keep them focused. But I don't only promote
these products I use them too.
There are many benefits to running your own network marketing
internet based business and I will be talking alot about them over the
coming weeks because I believe in it's power as a business model. It
has certainly kept my head above water over the last few months as I
gave up coaching to focus on building my online business Women Internet
Ultimately I want to be known for developing my own business but as I
believe in the power of developing income streams from many sources
network marketing is still a powerful source to consider.
About The Author
Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run
online business ,matrix,internet marketing solution ,online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer ,computer training ,computer software andpersonal computer,Cyber Forest,internet weapon,talk about business ,business is my blood ,hasan's blog ,cyber business
Technorati Tags: internet marketing
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