You already know, or should, that once you build a website and upload it to the web, you then have to submit that website to the various search engines in order for anyone to find it when they are conducting a search. You probably also know the importance of Meta Tags in order for those search engines to be able to list your site so that it does come up in a search. What some new web builders do not realize is how search engine optimization works and its importance. Search engine optimization or SEO involves the placement of a sequence of keywords that are part of the text on your website. They are placed within the website to meet a certain density requirement, usually 1.5%-3% depending on the needs of the website owner. The same key phrases may be rearranged in different ways or spelled differently within the text on your page in order to allow for more keyword optimization within your site. In some cases, commonly spelled words may be deliberately misspelled in order to allow for the proper optimization this is to reflect the different ways that a web surfer may spell those keywords when conducting a search.
The purpose of the keyword placement and density is to give your website the highest placement possible with the search engines, especially the most commonly used, Google. Placing your website high within the search engines means that when someone does a keyword search based on terms that are on your website, you increase the chances that your page will come back as one of the first results. Keep in mind that when people are searching, they only read a certain number of pages within the results, so the sooner your page shows in those results, the better than chances are that someone will actually click on the link that will lead to your page. Unless you are completely familiar with the process of search engine optimization, you may want to hire an SEO expert to take care of this for you to ensure that your site obtains the highest ranking possible.
About The Author
Ashton Dixon: Internet Made MillionareVisit for Home Business Ideas and Opportunities
Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , matrix, internet marketing solution , online store script .
Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer
Technorati Tags: search engine, web, internet
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