Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is Someone Dumb-assed and Broke? by woz wridgley

Is someone Dumb-assed broke?..... If we try to look at the notion that 80% of Americans are poor-assed, 15%, of Americans are
middle class and the remaining 5% are filthy , filthy rich... The reason why 80% of the people
are, and always will be, broke is because there is 5% of the population that are hoarding way
too much money for their own direct needs, unless they are thinking that they are gonna live
for a few thousand years.... They are not, and if there is some way to shine some light on the
5% , then they could redistribute some funds in good ways to the masses, only real hurdle is
the word 'greed'and mental impairment caused by the spell of money.... I was thinking that the way to even the score real quick, would be to try to organize an
'INTERNATIONAL BANKRUPTCY DAY'... Now, just imagine that for a few freakkky seconds.... that would be a big blow to the capitalists... If every-one had the guts to file bankruptcy on
the same day it would be more fun than any government had ever dreampt of ..... You imagine how the fore-closures would force the price of housing down overnight... like what
is a $400,000 house now, would be worth maybe a couple of grand , if there was such a thing
left after the ambush... ambush now that is a pretty good term... u imagine, all the banks and
financial institutions, would be in such a spin , seeing that the american national debt
stands at 9trillion Dollars, and considering that china and india is looking to buy america,
and have enough funds to scare the living daylights out of the western governments and bankers
and the like.... The complete 'usery' system hangs by a very thin thread, it would not take much to change it
completely with a little bit of people power and the power of 'web 2.0', now the power of
web2.0 is a force to be reckoned with , when the drivers of of the web (dat is de ppl, by the
way) realize what their vehicle does, it will be the big bang all over again.... Geez i hope
i'm still on the planet to see that unfold .... What needs to be done is some blog freak to get the ball rolling and start the process of
re-distribution of wealth. Redistribution it is happening all over the planet as I write ,
look at the Poles, the Glaciers, The precipitation, it is a natural event that sweeps across
the planet easily once started... Like the tides of the ocean, like wild fire , like snowballs
..... The main reason that 80% of americans are broke is that they like living within the USERY
system that was invented by the 'Preists of BAAL'
About the Author
============================================================================================== Woz Wridgley has written another article because he can....... learn more about Being Broke at

Distributed by Hasan Shrek, independence blogger. Also run online business , mlm coder, internet marketing solution , online store script .

Beside he is writing some others blogs for notebook computer , computer training , computer software and personal computer


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